

No Waste, No Haste - Package-free

Problem Description

Mainstream grocery shopping damages our ecosystem through packaging waste from cans, glass, cardboard, and plastic.

Shoppers who are interested in reducing their environmental impact and would like to do package-free shopping lack detailed information such as product and price listings of loose products that are available in their neighborhood.

These shoppers need a tool that provides relevant and accessible information to make sustainable shopping less intimidating.

Problem Characteristics

Lack of Information

zero or little knowledge about where package-free stores are located

lack of knowledge about stores' package-free offerings

lack of transparency regarding prices of loose products

Shoppers' Struggles

frustrated by unneccessary, wasteful packaging

tiresome and difficult to search for package-free stores and products

lack of knowledge about containers to use

Missing Hub

existing apps offer limited features that are only somewhat useful for package-free shoppers, as opposed to many apps supporting mainstream grocery shopping

Solution Statement

Refill.Me is an encompassing information-hub in the form of a mobile phone application that provides relevant, practical and up-to-date information regarding package-free shopping.

Refill.Me helps novice package-free shoppers throughout their transition into package-free shopping and supports experienced shoppers to keep up their eco-friendly shopping habits.

By using Refill.Me, package-free shoppers save time and support local businesses, while reducing packaging waste.

Solution Characteristics

Plenty of Information

exhaustive listing of nearby supermarkets with bulk section, package-free stores, and farmers' markets

product listings with unit prices

Shoppers' Delight

easy search by product or by stores

information about containers provided in the Container Guide, and by the smart container recommendation feature

shopping list makes shopping easy to plan

reward system, Reward.Me to collect points and enjoy discounts

Resource Hub

a convenient app for both new and experienced package-free shoppers and package-free stores

use crowdsourcing to increase data accuracy

collect shoppers' search information to improve stores' product offerings



easy to plan package-free shopping based on store and product information

good understanding of needed containers

transparency regarding prices


attract package-free shoppers

increase revenue

increase digital presence

gain first-hand information about products that shoppers are searching for

being rated by shoppers


less trash

less food waste

less harmful chemicals


Original Idea

Feasibility v1.0

Feasibility v2.0




Current Process Flow

Current Process Flow

Solution Process Flow

Solution Process Flow

Major Functional Component Diagram


Competition Matrix

Competition Matrix

User Risk Matrix

User Risk Matrix

Customer Risk Matrix

Customer Risk Matrix

Technical Risk Matrix

Technical Risk Matrix

Shopper Home Mockups

Shopper Home Mockups

Store & Product Search Mockups

Search Mockups

Shopping List & Profile Mockups

Shopping List/Profile Mockups

Store Home Mockups

Store Home Mockups

Product & Reward Mockups

Product & Reward Mockups

Analytics & Profile Mockups

Analytics/Profile Mockups

Store Algorithm

Store Algorithm

Product Algorithm

Product Algorithm

Shopping Algorithm

Shopping Algorithm

Container Algorithm

Container Algorithm

User Stories - Shoppers

As a package-free shopper, I want to...

  • avoid purchasing products with wasteful product packaging so that I can help the environment.
  • find nearby package-free stores so that I can do package-free shopping.
  • learn about containers that I could use for package-free shopping so that I will know what containers I can use for package-free shopping.
  • know what type of containers I will need to bring with me so that I can be prepared when I go package-free shopping.
  • know how many containers I will need to bring with me so that I can do package-free shopping.
  • search for specific package-free products near me in a quick and efficient way so that I will know what products are available package-free in my area.
  • scan the barcode of a product so that I can find package-free alternatives for it.
  • type in a product's name and search for it so that I will know what products are available package-free in my area.
  • know the unit prices of products so that I will have information about the prices of products in advance.
  • create a shopping list so that I will not forget anything that I would like to buy.
  • have an overview of my reward points, and coupons I received, and their expiration date so that I can use them in time.
  • redeem my reward points at the stores so that I can get some benefits.
  • upload my receipts so that I can receive reward points for them.
  • report new / closed stores, new products, or products that are not available anymore, or prices that changed so that I can help others with up-to-date information.
  • rate stores so that I can provide some feedback about their services.
  • provide feedback about the functionalities and the usage of the app so that the app will be optimized according to my needs.
  • User Stories - Stores

    As a store owner/employee, I want to...

  • efficiently edit / add / delete my store information, product listing, and prices so that the shoppers will see only up-to-date information regarding my store and products.
  • see a preview of the data that I entered so that I can see what the shoppers will see in the app.
  • see the store's site in the app from the user's view so that I can see what the shopper will see in the app.
  • decide what products or services the users will get for a certain amount of reward points so that the shoppers can use their reward points.
  • issue coupons to the shoppers for their reward points so that they will come to the store, and eventually buy other items, not just the one that the coupon is valid for.
  • be able to accept the reward points and coupons earned by the shoppers o that they will come to my store and eventually buy other products too.
  • receive reminders to update my information in the app so that I can provide up-to-date information to the shoppers.
  • be notified in case any information is missing so that shoppers will find everything they need.
  • be contacted when information about my store, my products, or my prices are reported by a user of the app, so that I can verify it.
  • be able to respond to store ratings so that I can provide my feedback regarding any comments or questions.
  • receive information from the app regarding what products the users in my vicinity are searching for, so that I can adjust my product offerings.
  • User Stories - Administrators

    As an administrator, I want to...

  • have access to all dashboards and user profiles so that I can make changes if needed.
  • be able to add / update / delete accounts so that I can make changes if needed.
  • have access to logs related to the app so that I can perform troubleshooting if needed.
  • have data analytics tools so that I can see how the users of my app (both shoppers, and store owners) behave, what functionalities they use, etc.
  • set up automatic notifications for the stores regarding updating their information and verifying crowdsourced data so that the app will always provide up-to-date information.
  • review information from the 'Contact Us' forms so that I can provide feedback regarding comments.
  • respond to any questions posed in 'Contact Us' forms so that I can provide answers.
  • perform necessary fixes and updates to the system so that the app will function as intended.
  • use the best possible third party APIs, and if needed switch to a different API, so that I can improve the app's performance.
  • regularly do database data clean up so that I can improve efficiency and performance.
  • be able to identify vulnerabilities in the app (for example, using DAST), so that I can improve the security of the app.
  • Lab 1 - Collaborative Outline

    Lab 1 Version 1 Reports

    Lab 1 Version 2 Reports

    Lab 2 Section 3 - Version 1

    Lab 2 Section 3 - Version 2 (Final)

    Lab 2 Version 1 Reports

    Lab 2 Version 2 Reports

    Lab 3 - Version 1

    Lab 3 - Version 2

    Lab 4 - Version 1

    Lab 4 - Version 2

    Weekly Development Reports

    RWP vs Prototype

    Features for Shoppers

    RWP vs Prototype Shoppers 01

    Features for Shoppers (contd.)

    RWP vs Prototype Shoppers 02

    Features for Store owners

    RWP vs Prototype Store Owners

    Prototype MFCD

    Prototype MFCD

    Demo Presentations

    Prototype Demo 1

    Prototype Demo 2

    Prototype Demo 3

    Final Prototype Demo


    Refill.Me Poster


    Amazon Relational Database Services (Amazon RDS): a web service that is used to set up, maintain, and scale a relational database in the cloud.

    Android: an open-source operating system used on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

    Application Programming Interface (API): a set of rules for two different programs to communicate with each other.

    Amazon Web Services (AWS): a cloud computing platform.

    Amazon Maps API: a programming interface that allows developers to add mapping capabilities like interactive maps and custom overlays to android applications.

    Application Layer: a layer where an application can effectively communicate with other applications on different computer systems and networks.

    Backend: a computer system or application that is not directly accessed by the users but rather responsible for storing and manipulating data.

    Bauxite: a naturally occurring mineral.

    Biodegrade: to decompose and become incorporated back into the environment.

    Bulk section: an aisle where products are available in dispensers or bins, and the shoppers can buy the exact amount they desire.

    Bring Your Own Container (BYOC): an initiative to encourage shoppers to bring their own containers with them to the store in order to avoid creating packaging waste.

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): a stylesheet language used to create the design (fonts, colors, borders, etc.) of webpages.

    Compostable: breaking down into organic matter and not producing any harmful chemicals during that process.

    Container: an item such as a tote bag, produce bag, glass or plastic jar, glass or plastic box, glass or plastic bottle that can be used for package-free shopping.

    Container Guide: a small lexicon providing an overview of different types of containers and the types of products that could be stored in them.

    Container Recommendation Feature: a feature of Refill.Me that suggests specific containers for products based on the type of product such as liquid or solid.

    Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD): a method for automatically merging contributions and deploying new stable software to a production environment.

    Customized Container Recommendation Feature: a feature of Refill.Me that suggests all needed containers for a particular shopping list based on the items added to the list by the shopper.

    Crowdsourcing: a way to solicit user feedback using surveys (either paper based or online).

    Database: an organized collection of structured information, typically stored electronically in a computer system

    Data Layer:: a layer of the application/website which contains all of the data that is generated by users engaging with the application/website.

    Django: a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites.

    Docker: a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run development processes.

    EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency.

    Experienced package-free shopper: a shopper who has knowledge of package-free shopping.

    Expo: an open source framework for creating mobile apps.

    Farmers' market: a market where local farmers sell their products directly to consumers.

    Frontend: a computer system of the website/application which is exposed to users for direct interaction.

    GitHub: a hosting service for version control and development of software.

    GitHub Issues: a GitHub repository feature that tracks issues, team-members' work, and development process of an application.

    Google Maps: a web mapping platform and application that provides street maps, satellite imagery, and real-time traffic information.

    Greenhouse gas emissions: emissions of gasses (such as carbon dioxide and methane) predominantly emitted through human activities that trap heat in the earth's atmosphere, and thus directly contribute to climate change.

    Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML): a programming language used to create websites.

    Integrated Development Environment (IDE) an advanced code editor with syntax highlighting, built-in debugger, and compiler.

    iOS: a closed source mobile operating system used in iPhones and iPads from Apple Inc.

    Javascript: a high-level client-side scripting language that is used to implement functionality on websites.

    Loose product: product sold without any packaging.

    Mainstream grocery shopping: grocery shopping that does not follow sustainable practices; thus, it entails buying packaged items, using plastic, and not considering environmental aspects.

    Microplastics: tiny plastic particles that are less than five millimeters long and are created when larger plastic pieces break down.

    MySQL: a relational database that uses SQL as its database language.

    Node Package Manager (npm): a software-sharing repository for software and packages that are used for software development, especially software written in Javascript.

    Novice package-free shopper: a shopper who has no experience with package-free shopping.

    Optical Character Recognition (OCR): a software that recognizes and converts text from images to machine-readable format.

    Package-free: without any packaging materials such as plastic, paper, cardboard, aluminum, or glass.

    Package-free store(in the context of Refill.Me): a supermarket with a bulk section, a store exclusively selling loose products, and a vendor at farmers' markets.

    Package-free shopper: a shopper who prefers to buy loose products by filling them into their own containers.

    Package-free shopping: shopping using one's own containers, thus, shopping without creating packaging waste.

    Package Manager: a set of software tools that automates the installation, updating, configuration, and deletion of programs in a systematic way.

    Packaging: material used to protect a product from any damage during transportation or storage.

    Presentation Layer: a layer where functions like data conversion, data encryption and decryption as well as data translation take place.

    Produce bag: a reusable bag, usually with a window and tare weight label, that is used for buying fruits/vegetables.

    Python: a high-level programming language that supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured, and functional programming.

    React Native: a framework that allows for the building of native mobile apps using the programming language React.

    Relational Database: a type of database that stores and provides access to data points that are related to one another.

    Rest Framework(s): an application programming interface that conforms to the constraints of REST architecture.

    Single-use: designed to be used only once, and then to be discarded.

    Structured Query Language (SQL): a widely used database language used for inserting, querying, and retrieving data from relational databases.

    Tare weight: the weight of an empty container that should not be included when the price of the product is calculated.

    Tote bag: a large bag, often made of cotton, used to carry many items.

    Virtual Machine (VM): a digital version of a physical computer.

    Visual Studio Code (VS Code): a source-code editor that can be used with a variety of programming languages.

    Webpack: a software tool that bundles Javascript files to be used in a web browser.

    Web Server: computer software and hardware that stores content for a website such as images, videos, and other data, and it operates on HTTP and other protocols to deliver the files for a website to clients who request it.

    Meet The Team

    Michael Colombini
    Michael Colombini
    Role: Back end developer

    Michael is currently pursuing a BS/MS in Computer Science at Old Dominion University. He has experience in C++, Java, Python and SQL. He has three children with a fourth on the way. He enjoys spending time with his family, exercising and being outdoors.

    John Wasikye
    John Wasikye
    Role: Back end developer

    John Wasikye is a senior at Old Dominion University majoring in computer science. He is from Ashburn VA, with parents from Uganda. In his free time he enjoys watching tv, working out, and playing rugby.

    Katelynn Hull
    Katelynn Hull
    Role: Database developer / Document specialist

    Katelynn Hull is a senior at Old Dominion University working on her bachelor's degree in Computer Science. She was originally from Dallas, Texas, but now lives in Sterling, Virginia. In her free time, she enjoys puzzles, reading, and cross stitching.

    Judit Chang-Horvath
    Judit Chang-Horvath
    Role: Project manager / Database developer

    Judit Chang-Horvath is a senior at Old Dominion University majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Math. She is from Hungary, currently living in Fairfax, Virginia. Her interests include reading, sewing, and gardening.

    Abdullah Pathan
    Abdullah Pathan
    Role: Webmaster

    Abdullah Pathan is a senior at Old Dominion University pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Born in Santa Anna, California, he lives with family in Ashburn, Virginia. Enjoys watching Bob's Burgers, drinking coffee, and working out.

    Kira Maximova
    Kira Maximova
    Role: Back end developer / Tester

    Kira Maximova is a senior at Old Dominion University working on a BS in Computer Science with a minor in Cybersecurity (if the work will continue to assist). She is native to Russia and a transfer student from Liberty University. She enjoys Python, C++. She is a full-time employed as a Software Engineer. In her free time she learns languages, learning to play guitar, and enjoys geocaching/hiking.

    Gavin Rios
    Gavin Rios
    Role: Front end developer

    Gavin Rios is a senior at Old Dominion University pursuing a BS in computer science. He lives in Virginia Beach with his family. He plans on working as a software developer upon graduation. Gavin enjoys biking, kayaking, and reading.

    Andrew Miller
    Andrew Miller
    Role: Mentor

    Andrew Miller graduated from Old Dominion University with a Bachelor's in Computer Science and a Doctorate in Systems Engineering. He currently lives in the Washington, DC area and works for the federal government managing large-scale data science and enterprise data initiatives. Andrew is also a coffee aficionado and continues to dabble in Python and C++ in his free time.


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