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Problems and Goals


  The Receipt Tracking Assistant is flawed by the quality of information entered into the system. If the system recieves invalid input the report will be wrong. Our software will make it difficult for input problems to occur by using several procedures to test the information. The system will check statistically the chance the character matched is correct, if the system finds that it is less than 90 percent correct the user will be prompted for validation. The system will attempt to guess the character so the user can accept the changes.


  Original Goals:
  • Allow digital backup of receipts
  • Create custom expense reports
  • Track employee spending trends
  • Compare employee spending
  Refined Goals:
  • Create digital backups of receipts, in several forms (image and text)
  • Create detailed expense reports that can be customized to any organization
  • Track all employee spending, creating a detailed database of all expenses based on each trip.
  • Compare employee spending trends, with emphasis on determining what is a reasonable expense