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"Research of The National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, the National Sleep Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Transportation, indicates that the average person is sleep-deprived, a condition which has potentially dangerous consequences."

There are many problem areas that we could focus on to make this product very worth while. Although driving is a very serious problem when it comes to being sleep deprived and tired, there are however, other important problems that we can not ignore. According to The National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, they also agree. I took a few lines from their site which read: America is seriously sleep-deprived with disastrous consequences.

Falling asleep at the wheel is the most costly and devastating problem on American highways. Accidents in the workplace due to sleep deprivation are commonplace and damaging to industry. Students, asleep in classes, miss opportunities that will help them foster careers. Every component of society is seriously impaired by sleep deprivation.

Those are three important problems that standout. To narrow it down to just one would not be fair. I think we need to categorize all the problem areas to make one specific problem that we can target. The problem is sleep deprivation and people failing to realize when they are tired, which ends up causing harm to either themselves or the people around them.

When someone is driving while they are sleep deprived they ususally end up falling asleep at the wheel and crashing. This problem is only going to get worse because, according to statistics, our sleep habbits are geting worse. This problem causes more deaths and injuries on the roads than drunk driving.

The other two problems, sleeping in the workplace and in class, combined with driving with fatigue cost the economy a lot of money (over 100 billion dollars). This includes hospital bills, cost for car damage and roadside damage, insurance, school costs and etc.

The BBC reports that research done by Dr Torbjorn Akerstedt and colleagues at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, based on a multinational survey of 5,000 participants, indicates that 30% of workers experience unwanted sleep.

SBIR Submission / Project Plan
Final Approval Presentation
Milestones Presentation
Feasibility Presentation
The Survey
Market Analysis

Interview w/ Dr. Catesby Ware
National Commission on Sleep Disorder
More references...
Doze Driver Sleep Alarm
Sonic Nap Alert System
Personal Alarm System

Old Dominion University CS410
Computer Productivity Initiative, Fall 2002