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File Size Information:

    Because streaming media requires a representation of bit depth for every pixel captured in the original video, this requires much more space for file recording. This, in turn, requires more time to download and causes congestion at the source, and local congestion is of importance for our customer. Lower download speed equals a larger support system, and this means our customer will be able to reach out to more students.

    By vector mathematics, curves, colors, etc. are simplified and require much less storage space because the computations are done in real-time at the site of the student, instead of at the server.

CNET News Headline, August 2004
"U.S. Broadband Connections Reach Critical Mass, Crossing 50 Percent Mark for Web Surfers, According to Nielsen//NetRatings".

    So even if we assume that college students make up a slightly larger portion of broadband users than the average person, we still have a little less than 50 percent of the market that's being discounted by assuming that streaming media is the standard.

Citation: The above CNET Article Headline quotation was taken from:
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