
BioCharge started as a small group of seven pioneering computer science students at Old Dominion University. Addiel, Bola, Dennis, Gerard, Kevin, Mary, and Will wanted to save the world from Credit Card Fraud! These seven individuals had the common perception that the current techniques in verifying an individual’s identity when using a credit card is extremely lacking and that having a credit card without rock-solid identity verification is a bit like "having a snooze button on a smoke alarm". With this common feeling in mind, the individuals banded together to pursue the usage of fingerprint biometrics to protect people from credit card fraud. With Addiel as their valiant leader, BioCharge was born. Currently pending an approval for continuation, the BioCharge team has retreated to their summer endeavors and research objectives. Some members will continue to pursue academic feats during these few months of downtime while others are focusing in on other disciplines of independent study. The BioCharge team is set to reconvene in September of 2004 to further the initiation phase of the pending project so be sure to check back for many great things to come…