Enhanced Diabetic Manager

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Welcome to project eDM. This website was put together as part of Old Dominion University's Computer Science Workforce Development Program in the spring semester of 2008. The purpose of this website is to provide a central area for our team, The Green Team, to display our project's details. The group was brought together by ODU College of Computer Science's Assistant Chair Computer Science Department, Janet Brunelle, and will is hosted by Computer Productivity Initiative.

About eDM:

Over 20 million people are diagnosed with diabetes in America alone and that number is on the rise. Without accurate and constant monitoring of glucose levels and caloric intake, Diabetics will suffer from both acute and chronic conditions. Our product, Enhanced Diabetic Manager, will provide historical data for both the client and the doctor on how the diabetics metabolism reacts to different foods from different places by collecting and analyzing caloric intake from different foods. eDM will also alert the user of possible danger foods based on a database and recommend proper insulin dosage for meals based on past history of meal chosen, caloric count, glucose levels, and activity level. Our product will primarily be targeted to newly diagnosed Diabetics since this transition can be frightening and is essential for living a longer healthier life.

©2008 Workforce Development Green Team