Chris's Weekly Progress Reports


  1. I went to the bookstore to see if they had any good CGI books. They only had one and it was for PERL. I will learn how to do this in C if it kills me.

  2. I plan to look at some examples both from work and off the net and figure out CGI in C.


  1. I am studying an old cs250 Blood Sugar Analysis program that was done in CGI in C. Hopefully I will be able to figure out some of the nuances of CGI in C.

  2. I am also considering the possibilities of doing this module is Visual C++.


  1. This has been a very busy week for me. I am trying to get ppp set up at home. The only other thing I will have time to do this week is to study the perl stuff for cgi. It looks very interesting. Also thanks for the reg-expression info, it will help me finish a project at work a lot quicker.

Perl Stuff parts 1 & 2


  1. This week I talked with Karl about the online Plot Glucose program of his. I am glad to say that he agreed to let us use it. Not only that but it is going to plot with gnuplot instead of asciplot which will look much nicer. Hopefully he will have that for me soon.

  2. I also had the opportunity to learn much more about perl this week. Learning this language has been very helpful to me not only in the use of CGI stuff, but also for work and a project in another class!!!


  1. I have been bombarded by all of my other classes with projects this week. I have a prototype perl script that a friend of mine at work is using for the senior survey automation. I plan to use a similar format for the database. I will begin work on this next Thursday.


  1. This week I plan to start on the process database for the diabweb. I plan to use a similar model with forms that will allow each person to maintain a database and to login so that the server knows the information about a particular user.


  1. This week I am putting the finishing touches on the database screening test. Registration is now functional and each individual's results are stored to a file. I hope to start working on the resource maps and the analysis of the screening program soon.


  1. This week I am continuing work on the database in regards to grading the results of the screening test. I have run into some difficulty in parsing the input of the file. I think it's just that I'm getting used to perl syntax with regards to reading input from a file. <\li>


  1. This week I am finishing up a few more forms for the presentation on Friday. The referral form comes after a few more forms that will link together from the screening and assesment section. I hope to finish the actual grading of the test early next week.

  2. I found a bug in my forms for the assesment test that caused some problems in faking the test without the cgi scripts. I sent the working forms early Friday morning. I hope I wasn't too late but I just didn't realize the problem until this morning...


  1. This week I finished up the screening and grading portion of the process control. It now moves through the screening and directs you to take a blood test or see a doctor if you are at risk, or asks if you want to browse further if you are not at risk.
  2. This week I will be investigating the security issues as well as adding the entry in the database that shows where the user is currently located in the process.


  1. This week I put the finishing touches on the database. It now has a "you are here" feature. I will be investigating ways of passing user information other than using hidden fields. This is probably the last major issue with the prototype.
  2. We hope to start (and hopefully finish) the NSF proposal this coming week.