Rowland Harrison and Nancy Sayler

January 30, 1996


Inform them of our ideas, specifically the web-based approach.

The meeting began with a brief presentation of the background and current status of the ODU Online project. It basically said where we are, where we have come from, and where we would LIKE to go.

Find out what is being done currently and what they have planned for the future

Currently in progress, is a new ODU Web Lion. Alot of time and energy have have been devoted to this and to many other projects, such as taking part in the statewide ATM machine program. Also, coming soon within the next ninety days are 144 more modems with sprintlink connections. Sorry CS guys, but this one's not free. ODU will become an Internet Provider. For a proposed price of $13/month you can get 50 hours online. .50 cents every hour after that...

Find out if and how much they are willing to work with us

As far as our scheduler is concerned, getting access to student records and financial aid information has MAJOR security risks. In addition, all of the information is currently stored in VSAM files or in the Adabase database. The company who makes this software has a unix platform for which it can run, but to date this has not been bought by ODU.

Processes on this system have been known to take VERY large periods of time. For instance, one example sited was a process that once took 24 hours has now been "reduced" to 12 hours. Given this time lag, doing even a nightly update of class information becomes difficult.

As far as working with us is concerned, Rowland and Nancy claim that they are not the people to help us. They believe that support should be there, however, if we present the project *NOT* from the standpoint of "convienient" and "a neat idea", but more along the lines of bringing ODU to the cutting edge of technology.

Find out their thoughts on the student club to manage these pages

"Everything you are doing is where we want to go. But we lack the manpower to do it." - Rowland Harrison. This idea really appealed to them. It took the pressure out of the hands of the administration and let students with a working knowledge of cgi/html programming run the show. The student group we envision would help with the hand holding and help other students get access to the net. According to Rowland, it only takes 10 students to say "yeah, I'm interested" to form a student organization and be appropriated funds. The biggest problem is security.

There are also some large social issues that must be considered when dealing with a project of this nature. Rowland warned that we must make sure not to create a severe lack between the have's and the have-not's. In other words, there WILL be some fraction of the school that will not have access to a computer at home. We have to make sure that there is some way for them to access the system also.

We had already come to the same conclusion that Rowland had and we even came up with the same answer... That is, placing kiosks around campus to use the system. Now, the system he was referring to was the Internet Provider service, but it's the same basic concept.

How can we interface with the student records and what problems are there in doing so?

As stated before, Rowland and Nancy were not the people who could answer these kinds of questions save in general terms. They were however, able to point us in the right direction. Our next target is to meet with Mike Little - The Director of Applications in OCCS.

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Last updated by:
Webmaster J
3/14/96 16:37