Progress Report #2

Objectives Presentation

After deciding on a basic schedule, the group Webmaster, Jason, presented them. Several questions were raised during the presentation.

1. How will the advisors interact with the students?

There will most likely be times when advisors will need to say a student can/cannot, should/should not take certain courses. How can an advisor keep the student from taking those courses without his/her expressed permission? We agreed to set up an appointment with Dr. Schwing to discuss this matter. As February has been dubbed our "meeting month", we will attempt to set up an appointment with him then.

2. Who should have access to student information?

If an individual student can get access to his/her own information, can that student, or anyone on the web for that matter get that same information? This brouht up a discussion on the impact of security and how "public" public knowledge should be. Because of the social impacts of this debate, we decided that this will be our question to charge the cs300 students. This question can be applied not just to our project, but to society in general.

3. How do we get administration to acknowledge and meet with us?

All last semester people from the group tried to set up meetings with people of relevance to the project to find out what would need to be done to actualize this dream. But everywhere they turned, another delay or put-off was slapping them in the face. To deal with this bueracratic stand-off, the group has adopted a new tactic....

The Shotgun Effect

E-mail and phone calls are nice, but it's too easy to be put-off, or to be "too busy" to talk to someone. When a group of students show up and say they want to see someone, they may not get to but it's nearly impossible to refuse the students an appointment to see that person at a later date. So, this ideology was decided upon and implemented today...

Our first stop was to the financial aid office. There, after fighting the lines of eternity we recieved the names and numbers of two different people to talk to. The first of our two contacts was Scott Harris (Who, according to our financial aid contact, is currently working on a system very similar to ours....curious!).

Before we went to see Scott, however, we went to OCCS. Determination set in and we decided we WOULD get a meeting set up with someone. Our contact in OCCS was "busy" and "running late for an appointment" so her secratary said she would e-mail all available times for a meeting to us. Let's see if that happens...

Stay tuned...
...Same Web Time...
...Same Web Channel...

This document produced by: Webmaster J