"If you've been squirreling away nickels and dimes to get a high-speed ISDN connection from your local phone company, you might want to wait few more months before smashing open the piggy bank. AT&T Paradyne has unveiled a new technology that makes it possible to jam 6 Mbps of data through through ordinary copper phone lines. Dubbed GlobeSpan, the AT&T system uses an asymmetric-digital-subscriber-line modem to achieve these blazing fast speeds without requireing the telcos to install a costly new network infrastructure of fiber-optic and coaxial cable. If everything works as planned, all this high-speed bandwidth will be made accessible inexpensively - and soon. AT&T says that GlobeSpan could be available in most parts of the country within nine months, at rates that are comparable to standard phone service."

Article written by Todd Lappin, Wired, p50, November 1995