Computer Science Learning Communities

Fall Semester 1997

Entering freshmen may join a Computer Science Learning Community. Students in a learning community

Learning communities are a great way to find friends and people to study with during the first difficult months at college.

This fall, there will be three Computer Science learning communities, taking the following courses:

Community #1 - Dr. Zubair

CS 149 Elements of Computer Science Lecture TR 4:20 pm
CS 149 Elements of Computer Science Recitation T 3:00 pm
OCEN 106N Introductory Oceanography Lecture MWF 11:00 pm
OCEN 106N Introductory Oceanography Laboratory W 12:00 pm

Community #2 - Dr. Grosch

CS 150 Introduction to Programming Lecture TR 4:20 pm
CS 150 Introduction to Programming Laboratory W 2:00 pm
CS 150 Introduction to Programming Recitation T 3:00 pm
CS 170 Fundamentals of Computer Organization Lecture MW 5:45 pm
OCEN 106N Introductory Oceanography Lecture MWF 12:00 pm
OCEN 106N Introductory Oceanography Laboratory M 2:00 pm

Community #3 - Mr. Ray

CS 150 Introduction to Programming Lecture TR 4:20 pm
CS 150 Introduction to Programming Laboratory T 6:00 pm
CS 150 Introduction to Programming Recitation W 4:20 pm
CS 170 Fundamentals of Computer Organization Lecture MW 5:45 pm
OCEN 106N Introductory Oceanography Lecture MWF 12:00 pm
OCEN 106N Introductory Oceanography Laboratory W 2:00 pm