CS 555 ns-2 Projects

Students Test to Write Tests to Validate (2)
Samy and Martin tcpOptions: timeouts_newreno_full tcp-init-win: Reno4, Tahoe4
Georges and Mragendra tcpOptions: timeouts_reno2_full tcp-init-win: Reno2, Tahoe2
Hadi and Gyanesh tcpOptions: timeouts_tahoe2_full tcp-init-win: NewReno1, NewReno2
Sheetal and Raghavendra tcpOptions: timeouts_tahoe1_full tcp-init-win: Reno1/Reno3, Tahoe1/Tahoe3
Snow and Shripad tcpOptions: timeouts_tahoe3_full tcp-init-win: NewReno3, NewReno4
Aditya and Arjun tcpOptions: timeouts_reno1_full  

Validation Suites

  • test-suite-tcp-init-win-full - validate
  • test-suite-tcpOptions - some to write and some commented out (to validate)
  • test-suite-tcpReset - write
  • test-suite-newreno - write
  • test-suite-tcp - write
  • test-suite-tcpVariants - write
  • test-suite-testReno-full - some commented out (to validate)

    Note: Double-check test/tcl/FullTCP.notes to see which tests need to be validated or written in these suites.

    I've put a couple of helpful shell scripts in /home/mweigle/555/ns/ for looking at what tests are needed. (Both of these are modifications of tools written by Sally Floyd.)

  • Setting Up a Local Copy of the Tests

    Setting PATH Environment Variable

    Add /home/mweigle/555/ns-allinone-2.30/bin to your PATH environment variable.
    setenv PATH ${PATH}:/home/mweigle/555/ns-allinone-2.30/bin

    In order to avoid having to do this each time you login, add this line to your ~/.cshrc or ~/.login.

    Running a Test

    Setting Up a Local Copy of the ns Source

    Note: Once you have initially compiled the ns source, you can just run make in the ns-allinone-2.30/ns-2.30 directory to compile just those changes.
