
ODU - default size
ODU - width=200, height=150
UNC - link to
UNC - link to with no border

Images Within Text (no alignment)

The picture will be placed in line with the text. UNC This text follows the img tag and appears right after the image.

Images Within Text (with alignment)

We can align images using the align attribute. This text is before the img src command, but the image uses the align="left" attribute. UNC This text follows the img tag in the HTML source.
To get text to follow under the image, we use the clear="all" attribute in the <br> tag.

We can align images using the align attribute. This text is before the img src command, but the image uses the align="right" attribute. UNC This text follows the img tag in the HTML source.

If we don't use the clear="all" attribute, we may get text next to the image instead of below it.

Centered Image