
General Induction

(a.k.a Structural Induction)

Mathematical statements involving an element of a recursively defined set can be proven by general induction.
To prove by general induction that a statement P(x) is true for all the elements x of a recursively defined set S, proceed as follows:

Basis Step: Prove that P(x) is true for all the elements x in the basis of S.

Induction Step: Prove that for any element(s) x of S if P(x) is true, then P(y) is true for any element y obtained from x by the induction step of the recursive definition of S.

Note 1 : In the Basis Step we prove that the seeds have the property.
In the Induction Step we prove that the property is inherited from generation to generation, that is, we prove that if a parent has the property then all of its children also have that property. In the process we need the relationship between the parent and the children. That relationship is found in the Inductive Clause of the recursive definition of the set in question.
Note 2: As the result of the Basis Step, we know that the seeds have the property in question. Then by the Induction Step we can say that the members of the second generation (children of the seeds) have the property. Then again by the Induction Step we can say that the members of the third generation(children of the second generation) have the property.....Thus we can say that all the members of the set have the property.
Note 3 : As a first step for general induction proof, it is often a good idea to express y in terms of x so that P(x) can be used.

Example 1 (Theorem 1 in "Language") : Prove that Ln L* for any natural number n and any language L.
Let us first review the definitions.
Recursive definition of Lk:
Basis Clause: L0 = {}
Inductive Clause: L(k+1) = LkL.
Since Lk is defined for natural numbers k, the extremal clause is not necessary.

Recursive definition of L*:
Basis Clause: L*
Inductive Clause: For any string x L* and any string w L,   xw L*.
Extremal Clause: Nothing is in L* unless it is obtained from the above two clauses.

Now let us prove that Ln L* by induction on Ln.
Note in the proof below that Basis and Induction Steps mirror the Basis and Inductive Clauses of the definition of Ln .

Basis Step: Since by the definitions L0 = {}, and L* , L0 L* .
Induction Step: Assume that Lk L* for an arbitrary natural numer k. --- Induction Hypothesis
We are going to show that Lk+1 L* .
Let w be an arbitrary string in Lk+1 . Then there exist strings x and y that satisfy x Lk , y L and w = xy by the definition of Lk+1. Since Lk L* by theInduction Hypothesis, x L* .
Then by the definition of L*, xy L* since y L .
Hence w L* .
Thus Lk+1 L* .

Example 2 (Theorem 2 in "Language") Let us prove L* = .
Note that = { x | x Lk for some natural number k } .
Proof: Let us first prove L* .
Suppose that x . Then by the definition of ,   x Lk for some natural number k. By Example 1 above , Lk L* . Hence x L* . Hence L* .

Next let us prove L* .

Note that L* is defined recursively and that below we are trying to prove that the elements of L* have the property that they also belong to . So we first prove that the element of the basis of L* has the propertyy. Then we show that if any element, say x, of L* has the property, then its children xy, where y is an arbitrary elememt of L, also have the property.

Basis Step: L0 since L0 = {} .
Hence by the definition of , .
Induction Step: Assume that for an arbitrary x in L*,   x holds.
We are going to show that for an arbitrary element y L , xy holds.
Note here that x is a parent and by applying an operation (i.e. by concatenating y) a child of x in is obtained.
So we show that the property for x is inherited by its children xy. Let us prove the inheritance.

If x , then for some natural number k , x Lk .
Hence xy Lk+1 by the definition of Ln . Hence  xy   by Example 1 above.
End of Induction Step and Proof

Hence we have proven .

Example 3

Prove that for arbitrary strings x and y of tex2html_wrap_inline75 ,   REV(xy) = REV(y) REV(x) holds.
The function REV(x) on strings x over the alphabet is defined as follows. It produces the reversal of a given string x (i.e. x spelled backward).

Basis Clause: REV() = .

Inductive Clause: For any string tex2html_wrap_inline35 and any symbol   tex2html_wrap_inline37 ,   REV(xa) = aREV(x).

Note that each step mirror the recursive definition of   tex2html_wrap_inline41 .


First let us note that * can be defined recursively as follows:
Basis Clause: * where is an empty string.
Inductive Clause: For arbitrary strings x of tex2html_wrap_inline75 and a of tex2html_wrap_inline91 , xa is also in tex2html_wrap_inline75 .
ExtremalClause: As usual. Omitted.

The proof of the equality in question is going to be proven for an arbitrary fixed x by induction on y. Thus the statement to be proven is for an arbitrary fixed string x, and an arbitrary string y of tex2html_wrap_inline75 , REV(xy) = REV(y) REV(x) holds. The proof mirrors the recursive definition of tex2html_wrap_inline75 .

Basis Step: REV(x) = REV( x ) = REV()REV( x ) .
Induction Step: Assume that for an arbitrary string y of tex2html_wrap_inline75, REV(xy) = REV(y) REV(x) holds. -- Induction Hypothesis
Then for an arbitrary symbol a of tex2html_wrap_inline91 , REV(xya) = REV((xy)a) = a REV(xy).
But by induction hypothesis a REV(xy) = a REV(y)REV(x).
Since a REV(y) = REV(ya), REV(xya) = REV(ya)REV(x), which is what we needed.
End of Proof.

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In the questions below the following notations are used:

L^* and L^+   for   L* and L+ , respectively

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