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     The following are the contents of this introductory chapter.


       What is a set?
        Set is a group of elements, having a property that characterizes those elements.

        How to specify a Set?
        One way is to enumerate the elements completely ( all the elements belonging to set are explicitly
        given) and give a property that characterizes the elements of the Set.

                Example:   A = {1,2,3,4,5}

         Alternate way, is to enumerate the elements in a way that makes clear what the remaining
         elements are and to give a property that characterizes the elements of the Set.

                Example: B = {x | x is a positive integer less than or equal to 5}
                              C = {1,2,3,4,5,6,……..} ( this is a infinite set)

        Simpler Representation
        Consider the following example
       Example: A = {1,2,3}
                       B = {x | x is a positive integer}

        Here we can think of some better way of specifying the set B just by replacing the English
        like sentence “x is a positive integer less than 100” in a more mathematically simpler way.
        We can achieve it by assuming ‘N’ as all positive integers.

         Now we can specify set B as,     B = {x | x  N}
        1,2,3 are all clearly one of the elements in set B as they satisfy the property that characterizes
         the elements of set B. (they all are positive integers)

       Set terminology

        Belongs To
            x  B  implies that  x  is an element of set B. Using this notation we can specify the set {1,2,3,4,5}
            by writing
                     Z = {x  A | x <= 5}
            which is read as “  the set of elements ‘x’ in ‘A’such that ‘x’<5”.

            If A and B are two sets,

        A is a subset of B, if every element of A is an element of B.

        A is a subset of B is represented as B.

            Note:  If A is a subset of B and B is a subset of A then A=B. Also, A is subset and equal to B
                        represented as B and A.

            If A is a set, then the compliment of A is the set A', consisting of all elements contained in the
            universal set and not in A..To understand compliment, it is necessary for us to know about
            Universal Set.

        Universal Set
                A set U that contains all the elements we might ever consider.

             Then A’ can be represented as

                     A’= { x  U | x  A }
            Where  "is not an element of"..
                    Example:: if    U = { 1,2,3….}
                                   If    A = { 1,2,3 } then A’ = { 4,5,6….}

       Set Operations

            The operations that can be performed on sets are:

           1. Union
                   If A and B are two sets, then A union B is a set that contains all the elements only in
                   A, only in B and in both A and B which can be represented as A  B.

                   Example:     A={1,2,3} B={3,4,5}
                               then A  B={1,2,3,4,5}

            2. Difference
                    If A and B are two sets, then A Difference B is a set that contains the elements only in A
                    and the elements only in B but not the elements that are in both A and B which can be
                    represented as A - B.

                    Example:     A={1,2,3} B={3,4,5}
                                then A - B={1,2,4,5}

            3. Intersection
                    If A and B are two sets, then A intersection B is a set that contains only the elements in
                    both A and B which can be represented as A  B.
                    Example:     A = {1,2,3,8}     B = {3,4,5,8}
                               then A B = { 3,8 }.

        Disjoint sets
        A and B are said to be disjoint sets if they contain no elements in common
        i.e. A  B =  ø, where ø  is the Empty set that is the set with no elements.

        Example:        A = { 1,2,3,4,5 }        B = { 6,8,9 }
                     then   A  B =   ø.

    Here is a list of some standard Set Identities
    A, B, C represent arbitrary sets and ø is the empty set and U is the Universal Set.

    The Commutative laws:
             A  B = B  A
             A  B = B  A

    The Associative laws:
             A  (B  C) = (A  B)  C
             A  (B  C) = (A  B)  C

    The Distributive laws:
             A  (B  C) = (A  B)  (A  C)
             A  (B  C) = (A  B)  (A  C)

    The Idempotent laws:
             A  A = A
             A A = A

    The Absorptive laws:
             A  (A  B) = A
             A  (A  B) = A

    The De Morgan laws:
             (A  B)=A B
             (A  B)=A B

    Other laws involving Complements:
             ( A )= A
             A  A= ø
             A  A= U

    Other laws involving the empty set
             A  ø = A
             A  ø = ø

    Other laws involving the Universal Set:
             A  U = U
             A  U = A

    Venn Diagrams
    A common technique in working with Set Operations is to illustrate them by drawing Venn Diagrams.

    The idea is to draw a large region representing the universe and within that to draw schematic diagrams
    of each of primitive sets we are starting with, overlapping in such a way that the illusstration includes a
    region corresponding to every membership combination.
   ( This illustration is very clear and easy when we have three sets or less. Three sets are enough to
    illustrate those laws)

    A basic venn diagram for a case of two sets is illustrated below.

   A = { 1,2,3,4 }     B = { 6,8,2,4 }
    Sets A and B can be represented as shown in the below figure using Venn Diagrams

                                                 Set A


                                              Set B

U represents the Universal set in which  A is one of the Set.

The following Venn Diagram is used to illustrate A  B


The following Venn Diagram is used to illustrate A U B

    A  B is the set consisting of all the different elements in A and B.

    Before going on to the illustration of one of the laws using Venn Diagrams, its better
    to know a little more about Venn Diagrams.

    (A  B)' is the yellow shaded region in the below venn diagram.

      For example:     U = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 }    A = { 1,2,3,4 }     B = { 2,4,6,8 }
                               A  B = { 1,2,3,4,6,8 }
                               (A  B)' =  U - (A  B)
                                              = { 5, 7 }

    A - B  is the yellow shaded region &
    B - A is the blue shaded region in the below shown Venn Diagram

    A simple illustration of the use of Venn Diagrams in reasoning about the set
    operations is given explaining one of the Demorgan's Identity.

            (A  B)’ = A’ B’

    Let us first draw the Venn Diagram for the Left Hand side of the above identity.

    (A  B)’

                                           Fig: 1
    Yellow shaded region is the one representing the (A  B)’ part of the identity.
    Now let us draw the venn diagram for the Right Hand Side of the Identity.

    A’ B’
    We shall solve it in parts by first showing a Venn diagram for A' part and then for B'.
     Then a combined Venn Diagram for the Intersection of those two diagrams.


                                                   Fig: 2
    Yellow shaded region is the one corresponding to the A' part.


                                           Fig: 3
    Blue shaded region is the one representing the B' part.

     Now the intersection of the above two i:e A’ B’ is the common shaded area in
     above two Venn Diagrams.
     It is represented as shown below

                                             Fig: 4
    Green shaded region in the above Venn Diagram is common for both A' and B'
    and so represents the Intersection A' and B'.

    From  Fig: 1 and Fig: 4 it is clear that  (A  B)’ = A’ B’.
    In the same way one can prove all the identities.

    To make your concepts strong, go through some of the review excercises.

                                        Click here for Review Excercises


     Proposition and Logical Connections

     “Proposition” can be defined as a declarative statement with sufficient meaning, objective and having a
     precise truth-value, true or false.
     The following statements are propositions as they have a precise truth values. Their truth values are false,

     "Connective": Two or more propositions can be combined together to make compound propositions with
     the help of logical connectives to study the logical arguments.
     Above two propositions can be used to make a compound proposition using any of the logical connective.      The truth vales are false and true respectively. For the first compound proposition to be true both the
     propositions have to be true as the connective is AND and as OR is the connective for the second one
     if either of the propositions is true the truth value of the compound proposition is true.

    The following are the logical connectives used commonly:

    a. Conjunction
    The logical conjunction is understood in the same way as commonly used “and”. The compound proposition
    truth-value is true iff all the propositions hold true. It is represented as “ ^ ”.
    Truth table for two individual propositions p and q with conjunction is given below
p ^ q

    b. Disjunction
    This is logical “or” read as either true value of the individual propositions.
    Truth table is given below
p V q

    c. Negation
    This is the logical “Negation” read as for  p “not p”.
    Truth table is given below

    d. Conditional
    This is used to define as “a proposition holds true” if another
    proposition is true i.e. pq is read as “if p, then q”.
    Truth table is given below

    e. Biconditional
    A proposition (p  q) ^ (q  p) can be abbreviated using  biconditional conjunction <->
    as p  q and is read as “p only if q” and “p if q”..

    f. Tautology
    A compound proposition, which is true in every case.
    E.g.: p V  q

    g. Contradiction
    This is the opposite of tautology, which is false in every case.
    E.g.: p ^ q

    Logical implication and equivalence
    If the value of Q is true in every case in, which p is true then p is said to logically imply q,
    which is represented as p  q. If p and q have same truth-value in each case then both are
    said to be logically Equivalent represented as p  q.

    The "  " symbol is used to symbolize a relationship called material implication; a compound
    statement formed with this connective is true unless the component on the left (the antecedent)
    is true and the component on the right (the consequent) is false, as shown in the truth-table below.

    Finally, the  "  " is used to symbolize material equivalence, in which the compound statement
    is true only when its component statements have the same truth-value- either both are true or
    both are false. Truth table is given below

    This corresponds to a minimal interpretation of the biconditional statements commonly
    expressed in English with the connective phrase " . . . if and only if . . . ."

    Logical quantifiers and quantified statements
   Quantifiers are used to make a proposition about a domain. The proposition variable is
    bound to a particular domain and not a free variable. Such statements with quantifiers is
    called a “quantified statement”.
    E.g.: Existential quantifiers 
           Universal quantifier 

  Click here for Review Excercises


     If f is a function and x is an element of its domain, the element of the co-domain associated
     with x is written as f(x). A function associates with, or assigns to each element of one set to
    a single element in the other set. The former set is called the “domain” and the later is called
    “Co-domain”.It is represented as follows:

    f : A  B where f is the function, A is the domain and B is the co-domain

   Types of functions

    1. One-to-One Function
                 If A and B are two sets, such that f:A  B and if no single element of B is associated
        with more than one element in A, then the function f is said to be One-to-One or injective
        or an injection.


    2. Onto functions
                If A and B are two sets, such that f:A  B and every element in B is associated with
        an element in A then f is said to be an Onto, Surjective  or Surjection i.e. f(A) = B.



    3. Bijection
        A bijection is a function that is both one to one and Onto..


    Composition of functions
        If f: A  B and g: B  C then, for any element xA, the function h: A  C defined by h(x) = g(f(x))
    is called the composition of g and f and is written as h = g o f.

    Inverse of a function
    If f: A  B is a bijection, then for any yB and xA such that y = f(x), the inverse of  f is denoted
    by f-1 is defined as x = f-1(y).

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