
Mathematical Induction Example 6 --- Size of Powerset

Problem: If S is a finite set with n elements, then S has tex2html_wrap_inline27 distinct subsets.

Basis Step: If n = 0, then tex2html_wrap_inline31 . Hence it has exactly one subset, namely tex2html_wrap_inline33 . Since tex2html_wrap_inline35 , the statement holds for n = 0.
Induction: Assume that a set with n elements has tex2html_wrap_inline27 distinct subsets.   ----- Induction Hypothesis
To prove that this holds for n+1, first try to express the number of subsets of S of size n+1 in terms of that of a set of size n so that the induction hypothesis can be used. For that we use the following claim without a rigorous proof.
Claim: | tex2html_wrap_inline95 (T) | = 2 * | tex2html_wrap_inline95 (S) | ,   if T is obtained from S by adding one more element, where tex2html_wrap_inline95 (A) denotes the powerset of a set A .

Let us illustrate the basic idea of this claim with a simple example. Let tex2html_wrap_inline51 . Then the subsets of S are tex2html_wrap_inline33 , tex2html_wrap_inline57 , tex2html_wrap_inline59 , and tex2html_wrap_inline61 . These subsets can be grouped into two groups: tex2html_wrap_inline33 and tex2html_wrap_inline57 in one group, and tex2html_wrap_inline59 and tex2html_wrap_inline61 in the other. The sets in the first group do not contain 2 while the ones in the second group contain 2. Also there is an obvious bijection between these two groups: Adding the element 2 to each set in the first group produces a unique set in the second group, and deleting 2 from each set of the second group produces a unique set in the first group. Furthermore the sets of the first group are the subsets of tex2html_wrap_inline57 that is tex2html_wrap_inline81 . Thus the subsets of S have been expressed in terms of the subsets of tex2html_wrap_inline81 and S can be seen to have twice as many subsets as tex2html_wrap_inline81 .
The proof of the inductive step is a straightforward application of this claim.
Let S be a set with n+1 elements and let x be an arbitrary element of S. tex2html_wrap_inline95 (T) denote the set of subsets of a set T .
Then a set in tex2html_wrap_inline95 (S) not containing x is a member of tex2html_wrap_inline95 tex2html_wrap_inline111 , and conversely, a member of tex2html_wrap_inline95 tex2html_wrap_inline111 is a member of tex2html_wrap_inline95 (S) that does not contain x.
Also a set in tex2html_wrap_inline95 (S) containing x is a member of tex2html_wrap_inline95 tex2html_wrap_inline111 with x and conversely, a member of tex2html_wrap_inline95 tex2html_wrap_inline111 plus x is a member of tex2html_wrap_inline95 (S) that contains x.
Thus altogether there are twice as many sets in tex2html_wrap_inline95 (S) as in tex2html_wrap_inline95 tex2html_wrap_inline111 . But by the induction hypothesis tex2html_wrap_inline95 tex2html_wrap_inline111 has tex2html_wrap_inline27 elements. Hence S has tex2html_wrap_inline163 subsets.
End of Proof