1. Before you start heat up some water until it's almost too hot to touch.

2. Choose the chicken. This could be the hardest part. If you choose a hen you might find undeveloped eggs inside her. They're quite tasty boiled.

3. Lay the chicken on its side and stand on its wings and legs.

4. Grab the neck, pull it straight, then saw off the head very quickly.
5. If the neck bleeds a lot of blood make sure you cover it with dirt so animals aren't attracted to your yard.
6. Now put the body in a basin and pour hot water over it. Pluck out all the feathers and hairs.

7. Now it's time to cut the body into parts. Here in Tanzania we cut legs and thighs together, wings, breast, and back. And if you like to naw on the meatless part of the leg, the head, and intestines you can prepare those too.

8. Boil up the meat or fry it. Best with Chapati.