1. There are many ways to cook bananas, or plantains, here in Tanzania but it all starts at the tree. If you're lucky like me it's just in your back yard.

2. Once they're close to ripe cut them off and find a safe spot for them to finish ripening.

3. Next peel them. If you're boiling or frying them add some vegetables. Tomatoes and onions are preferred for boiling.

4. To boil, use lots of oil and water just enough for them to float. Turn over to test for softness.
5. Once they're done drain the water.
6. You can mash them up and salt to taste...

7. Or cook rice and make a Tanzanian banana split. Mmmm...

8. To fry you can just cook them in a shallow pool of oil.

9. Or add veggies. The bananas end up stiff and taste like potato chips.
10. Speaking of potato chips you can fry them up just like chips.
11. Or you can roast them. This is a popular side to roasted pork or goat.
12. The banana will become real dry and brown a little on the sides.
13. Wow. So many ways to cook bananas. I've found a new love.
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