1. Now you may have had trouble cooking some of these recipes. Especially the first time. Even yours truly makes mistakes. (NO!)

2. But if you mess this one up, even on the first time, put on the dunce cap...

3. ...and go sit in the corner.

4. As the name suggest these are just fried dough but the mixture is somewhere between bread dough and pancake mix. First you combine 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp yeast and 1/2 tbsp baking powder in 1 and 1/2 cup warm water. The baking powder should fizz as it hits the water.
5. Knead or stir in 2 cups flour until you get a consistent mix.
6. Let it sit in a warm place until it rises to about 1 and 1/2 times its bulk. There should be lots of bubbles. Stir again. (The picture is from after stirring, sorry, I forgot to take a picture of it after it had risen and was bubbley.)

7. Heat up some oil and throw in a tiny amount of dough to make sure it's ready. The dough should fizz. Pour in the mixture but be careful-it'll expand a LOT.

8. And make crazy shapes.

9. Goes well with confectionary sugar just like funnel cake.
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