1. Many people dream of finding lost treasures or rare coins when the search the ground beneath.

2. After this recipe you'll be dreaming of finding cassava and potatoes-yeah, you better believe it.

3. As I learned while fasting 'Futari' is the name of the meal Muslims eat during the month of Ramadhani. It has many variations such as the sweet potato-bean mixture I put on the site before. But I learned beans are less common. Here's my favorite-cassava and potato. Cassava comes in several varieties and some have to be soaked before they're dried in the sun to take out poisons inside. After you've cleaned and dried them they look like this.

4. Peel off the skin and cut it into chunks.
5. Now divide each chunk down the middle to take out the string-like center. This isn't necessary, you can eat the cassava around the center if you want. For this recipe I take out the center. (Dried, raw cassava is good too.)
6. Now potatoes...you know how to prepare these for boiling, right?

7. Put the pieces in a pot, cover it and begin boiling.

8. Once a fork easily skewers both the cassava and potatoes (they cook at about the same rate) drain some of the water and salt to taste.

9. And since coconut milk is always a good choice, let's put some of that in to thicken things up.
10. Let it boil until it's reached your desired consistency, let cool a little, and eat. A great meal after a day of fasting.
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