1. Put flour into a bowl in proportion to the amount you desire...that looks about right.

2. Pour in water and start mixing the dough around with your hands until you get a sticky consistency. Add salt if you so desire.

3. Now add cooking oil until the mixture comes off your hands and the dough becomes nice and greasy...I mean healthily slick and smooth. Roll a few golf ball sized dough balls.

4. Roll out the dough into and oval and smear delicious cooking grease...or one of those 'healthy' American substitutes.
5. Roll it into a snake. You can now scare your neighbors (Tanzanians have great fear for snakes) or continue with the recipe...
6. Stretch out the dough by twirling it like a jump rope.

7. Coil it up and prepare the rest of the dough.

8. Now roll the dough out with or without flour depending on how 'healthy' you made your chapati.

9. Heat up a pan until the cooking oil starts popping. Brown each side and serve with beans or, my personal favorite, chicken soup.
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