CS 250 Computer Programming and Problem Solving - FALL 1998 

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Object Oriented Design:

Case Study: Doctor Scheduling

Version 1:

Top Down Design.

   initialize the scheduler at beginning of day
   Make appointments for the doctors for today
   Print appointments made today
   finalize at end of day

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// Scheduler is responsible for making appointments with patients
// and recording them in the doctor's daily schedule
// and Printing out these schedules
// keeps a reference to all doctors for this purpose

class Scheduler {
  Scheduler( Doctor * docs, int NumDoctors);
  // Scheduler keeps track of appointments for all doctors
  // A list of doctors is passed and a reference to this list is kept
  // in this object

  void PrintAllAppointments( const char * fileName );
  // PRE: fileName is a legtimate file name
  // POST: the daily schedule of all doctors is printed to "fileName"

  void ScheduleAllAppointments(); 
  // runs all day scheduling appointments
  // returns when all patients have be scheduled for this day

  Doctor * doctors;  // points to first element in array of doctors hptrd_left.gif (955 bytes)
  // notice that there is only one copy of the doctor object, but we can
  // refer to it using the pointer and so can update the doctor/s schedule
  // we could have made a copy of the doctor objects - 
  // but then they could not be accessed or changed outside (consistently)
 int NumDoctors; // keeps size of array of Doctors

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#include "doctors.h" // contains all specifications

int main()
   const int NumDoctors = 5; // Keep the Doctor objects here	
   Doctor doctorArray[NumDoctors];
   cout << "Doctors Office Scheduling Program\n\n";
   //initialize the scheduler at beginning of day
   Scheduler officeSchedule( doctorArray, NumDoctors );
   //Make appointments for the doctors for today
   //Print appointments made today
   officeSchedule.PrintAllAppointments( "appts.txt" );
   //finalize at end of day
   return 0;


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// in doctor.h add minimal Doctor class
class Doctor{ 

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// in doctor.cpp, add empty function definitions
Scheduler::Scheduler( Doctor * docs, int num ) {}
void Scheduler::PrintAllAppointments(const char * fileName) {}
void Scheduler::ScheduleAllAppointments() {}

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(here is the code at this point)


Copyright chris wild 1998.
For problems or questions regarding this website contact [Chris Wild (e-mail:wild@cs.odu.edu].
Last updated: October 05, 1998.