CS 250 Computer Programming and Problem Solving - FALL 1998 

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Understanding how Computers do Recursion

Every function call allocates a chunk of memory on the ACTIVATION STACK called the ACTIVATION RECORD.

When you call a function, the activation record is allocated on the stack.

local variables are defined there, parameters are placed there, the return address also.

When you return, the activation record is used to find the return address and is then destroyed.
That is why local variables can't remember values in between function calls.

Calling a function recursively is no different. It means however, that every time you call a function you get an seperate activiation record which keeps everything straight (it is like you have mutliple copies of the same function).

See also previous notes on this subject

Examining RFind

//Let's lable RFind to identify the Return Address by name
int RFind(int a[ ], int x, int start, int end)
// PRE: a is an array with elements defined between a[start] and a[end]
//	and start <= end
//	Array "a"  is sorted
// POST: return the location of the element "x" in the array between a[start] and a[end]
//	if exists, else return where it should be placed
	if(start == end)		// one element arrays are easy (BASE CASE)
		return start;
	int middle = (start+end)/2;	// find the middle of the sub- array
	if(x < a[middle])	// must be in the first "half" of the array
		return /*call1*/ RFind(a,x,start,middle);		// narrow the search to first half
	else if(x > a[middle])	must be in the second "half"
		return /*call2*/ RFind(a,x,middle+1,end);
		return middle;	// here it is!

An example

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Another Example

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Yet another Example

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Copyright chris wild 1998.
For problems or questions regarding this website contact [Chris Wild (e-mail:wild@cs.odu.edu].
Last updated: December 04, 1998.