CS333 - Problem Solving and Object Oriented Programming in C++
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Course Survey

This anonymous survey is designed to get your feedback on the Cs333.

It includes both the standard course evaluation (Part A) and a survey (Part B) which will be used to improve this course in the future.
Because part A questions were designed for a traditional lecture course, some of the questions will require a bit of creativity to answer. However, answering such questions will provide a basis for comparison with past traditional course offerings of the same material.

I am a registered as a student in this class No answer Yes No

Part A: Please describe your reaction to each of the following statements:

  1. Rate the overall effectiveness of the instructor
    unacceptable poor acceptable good very good excellant
  2. Rate the instructor's ability to communicate ideas effectively.
    unacceptable poor acceptable good very good excellant
  3. Rate the instructor's consistency/punctionality meeting class & using allotted time
    Not Applicable
  4. Rate the instructor's helpfulness/sensitivity/responsiveness to all  students needs
    unacceptable poor acceptable good very good excellant
  5. Rate the overall quality of the course
    unacceptable poor acceptable good very good excellant
  6. Rate how much you have learned of benefited from the course.
    unacceptable poor acceptable good very good excellant

Part B: Please answer the following questions honestly

Questions on the Textbook

Questions on the INTERNET Delivery/Computing Environment

Questions on Workload and Evaluation

Questions on Course Content

Please indicate the difficulty of each of the following topics (so that future effort can be focussed on improving the material)

General Comments

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Last revised: November 22, 1996