Spring 2001: CS333 - Problem Solving and Object Oriented Programming in C++
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Syllabus for CS 333


FOR REGISTERED CS333 WEB STUDENTS: Please read and sign the course agreement and mail it to Dr. Wild's office ASAP.

Title CS 333 Object Oriented Programming and Problem Solving
Instructor Chris Wild
e-mail cs333@cs.odu.edu
Phone (757) 683-4679
Home Page for Dr. Wild http://www.cs.odu.edu/~wild
Lectures None: this is a web course BUT you are expected to maintain a regular contact with the instructor.
Office ED 249-2
Class Room The World Wide Web
Office Hours Tue and Thur 2-4(call 757 683-4679 or 1-800-968-2638 + 4679)
 Mon10-4 (call 757 898-4935)
Textbook C++: How to Program, Third Edition, Deitel and Deitel, Prentice Hall, 2000, ISBN: 0-13-089571-7
(click here to see the publisher's description and on-line ordering information)
Click here for how the book will be used in this course.
Reference Book UNIX: SOBEL PRACTICAL GUIDE TO UNIX S V 95 A-W BENJ 0-8053-7565-1

Makefiles: "Managing Projects with make" by A. Oram and S Talbot, O'REILLY Press, ISBN 0-937175-90-0,Cover Price: $19.95 134 pages
The book is part of the "C Programming Series", but they cover C++ (using g++ instead of gcc) It is a good reference for learning to use make for beginners, or managing huge products for experienced programmers. This is a very popular book in the UNIX/Linux software industry. Probably the most complete guide to using 'make' other than the man pages themselves.

GNU: "Programming With GNU Software" by M. Loukides and A. Oram, OREILLY Press ISBN1-56592-112-7 Cover Price: $39.95 232 pages GNC Software CD Included
This book covers many of the GNU Applications. It has a great section on
"make". It also covers 'gdb' Debugger for C and C++, Libraries (C++ included), compiling and linking concepts with gcc (and g++), Emacs Editor (yuk), UNIX Shell Programming and an introduction to UNIX in general. Very good reference for someone who plans to spend a lot of time in UNIX/Linux. I have used it quite a bit, and would recommend it for Computer Science Students, or professionals who work in UNIX. However, this book is more involved in UNIX than many people want to get. If you just want to learn 'make' to get through the assignments, I recommend "Managing Projects With make" instead of this book. Dennis Mitchell

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have gained an increased understanding of problem solving techniques in software systems. Students will be introduced to recommended methods of program design, development, and implementation. Methods of decomposition, abstraction, and problem solving techniques will be presented. Students will be provided with a working knowledge of  Object-Oriented Design and Programming.. The role of experimentation in Computer Science will also be discussed. This course is based on the C++ language. A basic working knowledge of the Department of Computer Science's UNIX system will also be given.

Attendance: Although this is a web based course which can be taken "at your own pace", you are nonetheless expected to make regular and steady progress towards its completion. Unless prior arrangements have be arranged with the instructor, you are expected to meet all deadlines listed in your syllabus. You are expected to frequently monitor this site and your e-mail for information about this course. As indicated in the course contract, you are expected to "meet" with the instructor on a regular basis throughout the semester.

Cheating: Everything turned in for grading in this course must be your own work. The instructor reserves the right to to question a student orally or in writing and to use his evaluation of the student's understanding of the assignment and of the submitted solution as evidence of cheating. Violations will be reported to the Honor Council for consideration for punitive action. However, it is entirely appropriate seek and give assistance on procedural matters (such as how to send e-mail, how to run the debugger, how to send files from a home PC to a UNIX workstations). If there is any question on whether a particular behavior is appropriate, the student is encouraged to seek guidance from the instructor.


Quizzes 30%
Course Project 20%
Assignments 30%
Final Exam 20%

NOTE: Due to differences in the background of students, the amount of time to finish this section may vary.
Check here for schedule


Copyright chris wild 1998-2001.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [Dr. Wild].
Last updated: January 31, 2001.