Windows Systems Programming: Spring 2002

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ATL (chapter 5)

ATL handles much of the overhead for generating COM objects and is intended primarily for implementing COM servers. Consists of the following:

App Wizard Generated Files

After following directions on page 129

ATL Object Wizard Files


// DocumentChecker.h : Declaration of the CDocumentChecker


#include "resource.h"       // main symbols

// CDocumentChecker
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CDocumentChecker : // multiple inheritance
	public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
	public CComCoClass<CDocumentChecker, &CLSID_DocumentChecker>, 
	public ISupportErrorInfo, 
	public ISpellChecker




// ISupportsErrorInfo
	STDMETHOD(InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo)(REFIID riid);

// ISpellChecker


Adding a New Interface Function

Need to:

Use the "AddMethod" menu in the classview - fill in dialog box info (figure 5.5). Adds the following code to your project

// IDL

interface ISpellChecker : IUnknown
	[helpstring("method CheckSpelling")] HRESULT CheckSpelling(
		[in] LPOLESTR word, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *result);

	helpstring("WritersComponent 1.0 Type Library")
// header file
// ISpellChecker
		/*[in]*/ LPOLESTR word, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *result);
// implementation file
STDMETHODIMP CDocumentChecker::CheckSpelling(LPOLESTR word, VARIANT_BOOL *result)
	// TODO: Add your implementation code here

	return S_OK;

The implementation of this method is almost identical to that for the previous version

Adding a second interface

A COM "object" can support more than one interface.
In this example - you may wish to provide a grammar checking interface which although related to the spelling check interface (because they both provide tools to writing documents), they could be considered separate objects if you wished. The decision to provide a second interface to the DocumentChecker Object vs providing a second COM object is a organizational and packaging  decision. Two interfaces are more tightly coupled since they share a queryinterface.

Since the wizard does not provide a easy way to add a second interface- you need to edit the "idl" file by hand.

	interface ISpellChecker : IUnknown
		[helpstring("method CheckSpelling")] HRESULT CheckSpelling([in] LPOLESTR word, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *result);
	[ object,
	  helpstring("IGrammarChecker Interface"),
	interface IGrammarChecker : IUnknown
		[helpstring("method CheckGrammar")] HRESULT CheckGrammar(
			[in] LPOLESTR sentence, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *result);

// .....
	coclass DocumentChecker
		[default] interface ISpellChecker;
		interface IGrammarChecker;

Now you can compile the "idl" file - which will create the type library. Now the wizard can use the type library to assist in implementing this new interface.

Follow directions on page 144. It is worth following the directions for the entire project and see what is produced at each step.

Building a Client

Similar interface built in MFC - but access to the COM object is different. Since we will use visual C++ NATIVE COM support by importing the type library. Notice we are using non-native types (OLESTR, LPOLESTR and VARIANT_BOOL. These types are language independent types.

With the type library you can examine the interface using OLEviewer or other suitable object browser.

   By adding an "import" of the type library into "stdafx.h", when the project is built - Visual C++ will use the type library to write "wrapper" classes around the COM interface to make the COM object act like a normal C++ object.



Copyright chris wild 1999-2002.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [Dr. Wild].
Last updated: February 26, 2002.