Windows Systems Programming: Spring 2004

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Assignment 4: Vintage Guitar Service (Draft - to be finalized by Tuesday March 30th)

Description: Provide a Guitar Service for listing vintage guitars. This assignment will consist of two parts - a Guitar Listing Service and Web Application for displaying and manipulating the information from the Guitar Service. 



  1. You must use a data bound control to list the entire collection
  2. Your data source must be an XML file for the web service.
  3. The web application and web service communicate using .NET objects.
  4. You must use code behind.
  5. Your solution should use good object oriented design and be well written and documented.


Due: . April  13th by midnight Please email to "". Your submission should include an XML file and the necessary "bin" directories to run your program without the necessity to recompile.

Copyright chris wild 1999-2004.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [Dr. Wild].
Last updated: March 25, 2004.