Windows Systems Programming: Spring 2004

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All graduate students will do a semester project. In the course of doing this project you will maintain a project web site which contains at least the following elements

Good Projects from the past


Project Final Report

Your final report on the project will summarize what you have accomplished while doing the project. One of it's major contributions will be to help others learn from and perhaps extend your project. Since this is on the internet, it is possible that people around the world might find what you have done useful. Write your report as you would like to have read when you were starting this project. That is what would have been useful to YOU. Therefore the report should consist of the following sections.

  1. Statement of the problem you investigated

  2. Your .Net Learning Objectives

  3. Description of your solution (architecture, information flow, etc)

  4. Areas of difficulty and how you resolved them (they do not all need to be solved - some will be future work)

  5. Future work that you would like to have done but could not complete

  6. References - annotated as to their usefulness


Project Interview (Draft)

During the project interview, you need to make a case for your grade. The project is graded both on the final accomplishment as well as the lessons learned during its preparation. During the interview I will ask you for the grade that you believe you have earned for the term project. You will need to provide evidence supporting your claim. Here are some of the criteria that I use when evaluating the project

Copyright chris wild 1999-2004.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [Dr. Wild].
Last updated: April 21, 2004.