Travels with Wildcat

Picture Log

    Puerto Rico to Ponce(Jun08)
Luperon to Samana, DR (May 08) Luperon Dominican Republic(May 08) Starting Down Island(Apr 08)
Northeast Harbor to Castine (Jul 07) Sheepscott to Northeast Harbor(Jul 07) Block to Sheepscott (Jul 07)
Heading North to Block Island (Jul 07) Africa Safari Njema Sana (Nov/Dec 06) Jumentos/Ragged (May 06)
Family Island Regatta (April 06) Arriving in Bahamas (April 06) Hurricane Damage (Nov 05)
Trip To Florida (Oct05) Leaving Salt Pond Marina(Oct 05) Dismal Swamp (May 05)
Ocracoke (May 05) Berry Islands (Apr05) Nassau (Apr05)
Exumas (Apr05) Heading South (Apr 05) Justin's Visit (Mar 05)
Hub of Abaco (Mar5) Cherokee to Moraine (Feb/Mar 05) HopeTown (Feb 05)
Florida to Marsh Harbor (Jan/Feb 05) Hurricane Damage Bahamas (Feb 05) Intercoastal (Oct/Nov 04)


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