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List Manipulation


Scheme, like all Lisp dialects, considers lists  to be accessible only from the front (internally, they are represented as linked lists). Thus, Scheme provides a number of functions for accessing the first element of a list (the head) , the rest of the list not including the head (the tail) , inserting a new head, and so forth. We describe these here.

The car  function, given a list, returns the head of that list. Note that the head of a list need not be an atom.

		 (car '(1 2 3)) 		  tex2html_wrap_inline972  		 1

(car '((1 2) 3) tex2html_wrap_inline972 (1 2)

Similarly, the cdr  function returns the tail of a list. This return value is always a list.
		 (cdr '(1 2 3)) 		  tex2html_wrap_inline972  		 (2 3)

(cdr '((1 2) 3)) tex2html_wrap_inline972 (3)

(cdr '(1 (2 3))) tex2html_wrap_inline972 ((2 3))

(cdr '(1)) tex2html_wrap_inline972 ()

Applying car or cdr to an empty list is an errorgif.

The cons  function is used for list construction; given an element and a list, it creates a new list identical to its list argument, but with the element added as the new head.

		 (cons '1 '(2 3)) 		  tex2html_wrap_inline972  		 (1 2 3)

(cons '(1 2) '(3 4) tex2html_wrap_inline972 ((1 2) 3 4)

The list  function creates a list from a set of s-expressions. It takes a variable number of arguments, and merely formulates those arguments into a list.

		 (list '1 '2 '3) 		  tex2html_wrap_inline972  		 (1 2 3)

(list '(1 2) '3) tex2html_wrap_inline972 ((1 2) 3)

Several other useful list manipulations are provided as well: append , reverse , and length . Note that these are not primitives; they may easily be defined using the primitives described above.

The append  function merely concatenates two lists.

		 (append '(1 2) '(3 4)) 		  tex2html_wrap_inline972  		 (1 2 3 4)

The reverse  function reverses the order of elements in a list.

		 (reverse '(1 2 3)) 		  tex2html_wrap_inline972  		 (3 2 1)

The length  function returns the length of the list in elements. Note that this does not include elements of any sublists; it merely counts the number of s-expressions that make up the list.

		 (length '(1 2 3)) 		  tex2html_wrap_inline972  		 3

(length '((1 2) 3)) tex2html_wrap_inline972 2

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Steven J. Zeil
Tue Mar 4 14:36:27 EST 1997