CS-695 NoSQL Databases
Fall 2015
Instructor: Dr. Cartledge
Thursday, Dragas Hall, room 2110
1910 - 2150

  1. The promotional flyer is here.
  2. The syllabus is here (updated 12 August).
  3. The list of assignments (a work in progress) is here.
  4. Assignments (and a few solutions) are here (updated 12 August).
  5. A collection of useful ideas and things is here (updated 12 August).
  6. Soft copies of the lectures (always a work in progress) are located here.
  7. Exams with expected answers are here.
  8. A Google Group has been created for the class. The group is called "ODU NoSQL Course" because it seems like the right name. These are the approximate steps to join the group (the steps are approximate because I'm sure that I haven't tested all options and combinations):
    1. Go to this URL: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/odu-nosql-course
    2. Subscribe to the group.
    3. Enter the email address where you will get emails sent to/from the group.
    4. Check your e-mail at the address you just entered.
    5. Confirm that you want to join the group.
    6. Wait. (I will have to approve your request for membership in the group. Sometimes it takes me a while to check my e-mail.)
    7. Read acceptance e-mail from the group.
    8. Visit the group.
    Be sure to set up your preferences so that you get e-mail updates whenever someone posts something to the group.
  9. Ideas and discussions about NoSQL technologies and limitations, specifically the ideas of Consistency, Availability, and Partitions (CAP) are available here.
  10. Discussion about when and where to use different types of NoSQL databases (polyglot persistence) is available here.

Class virtual office calendar: