Opening X Windows Remotely

XWindows Server

The first step in the process is to start an XWindows server running.

If you're on a lab machine, you can use XWin32 (in Program Files, XWin32).

If you're on your own machine, you can download a free XWindows server, Xming:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose "Download Xming X Server for Windows".
  3. Download Xming-fonts. When complete, run the program that was downloaded. Let the installer put the files in C:\Program Files\Xming
  4. Download Xming. When complete, run the program that was downloaded. Let the installer put the files in C:\Program Files\Xming
  5. Once the programs have been installed, start Xming (there should be a shortcut on your desktop and it should be in Program Files, Xming). It will put an icon in your tray, just like Xwin32 does.

With SSH Secure Shell

  • Choose Settings from the Edit menu.

  • Select Tunneling under Host Settings.

  • Check the Tunnel X11 connections box.
  • With Putty

  • Download putty (a free ssh tool).

  • For putty settings, in the left pane choose X11 under Connection and SSH. Choose Enable X11 forwarding. Save this as a default setting.

    Then, when you ssh into something like, X should be forwarded automatically, and you'll be able to open xterm windows (and emacs and xgraph and nam, etc). To check this, type:
    printenv DISPLAY
    You should get something like, for example if you're on tango.

    If these steps fail, you can typically set the display manually. Find the IP address of the Windows computer you're using, and at the Unix prompt type:
    setenv DISPLAY ip-address:0