Examples of Block Elements - h1

Normal text

Heading 2

Normal text

Heading 3

Normal text

Heading 4

Normal text
Heading 5
Normal text
Heading 6
Normal text

preformatted text preserves spacing and is best for multi-line code, starts on new line

for ind, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
    print ("[{}]: {} {}".format(ind,arg,sys.argv[ind]))

This is a paragraph

This is another paragraph

This is a blockquote.
Every line will be indented like this. It also starts on a newline.

Examples of Inline/Phrasing Elements

code example: foreach i (1..10)

italics text

emphasized/italics text

strong/bold text

subscript example: xi

superscript example: xi

strikethrough example: do not experiment with HTML

Examples of Line Breaks and Special Characters

is a para
graph with line breaks

Line 1. Line 2. Line 3.
Line with extra spaces between words.
Line   using       for     spacing.