 * @class Ext.util.Observable
 * Base class that provides a common interface for publishing events. Subclasses are expected to
 * to have a property "events" with all the events defined, and, optionally, a property "listeners"
 * with configured listeners defined.<br>
 * For example:
**/Employee = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { constructor: function(config){ this.name = config.name; this.addEvents({ "fired" : true, "quit" : true }); // Copy configured listeners into *this* object so that the base class&#39;s // constructor will add them. this.listeners = config.listeners; // Call our superclass constructor to complete construction process. Employee.superclass.constructor.call(this, config) } });
/** * This could then be used like this:
**/var newEmployee = new Employee({ name: employeeName, listeners: { quit: function() { // By default, "this" will be the object that fired the event. alert(this.name + " has quit!"); } } });
/** */ Ext.define('Ext.util.Observable', { /* Begin Definitions */ requires: ['Ext.util.Event'], statics: { /** * Removes <b>all</b> added captures from the Observable. * @param {Observable} o The Observable to release * @static */ releaseCapture: function(o) { o.fireEvent = this.prototype.fireEvent; }, /** * Starts capture on the specified Observable. All events will be passed * to the supplied function with the event name + standard signature of the event * <b>before</b> the event is fired. If the supplied function returns false, * the event will not fire. * @param {Observable} o The Observable to capture events from. * @param {Function} fn The function to call when an event is fired. * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the Observable firing the event. * @static */ capture: function(o, fn, scope) { o.fireEvent = Ext.Function.createInterceptor(o.fireEvent, fn, scope); }, /** Sets observability on the passed class constructor. This makes any event fired on any instance of the passed class also fire a single event through the __class__ allowing for central handling of events on many instances at once. Usage: Ext.util.Observable.observe(Ext.data.Connection); Ext.data.Connection.on('beforerequest', function(con, options) { console.log('Ajax request made to ' + options.url); }); * @param {Function} c The class constructor to make observable. * @param {Object} listeners An object containing a series of listeners to add. See {@link #addListener}. * @static * @markdown */ observe: function(cls, listeners) { if (cls) { if (!cls.isObservable) { Ext.applyIf(cls, new this()); this.capture(cls.prototype, cls.fireEvent, cls); } if (Ext.isObject(listeners)) { cls.on(listeners); } return cls; } } }, /* End Definitions */ /** * @cfg {Object} listeners (optional) <p>A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this * object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the * {@link #addListener} example for attaching multiple handlers at once.</p> * <br><p><b><u>DOM events from ExtJs {@link Ext.Component Components}</u></b></p> * <br><p>While <i>some</i> ExtJs Component classes export selected DOM events (e.g. "click", "mouseover" etc), this * is usually only done when extra value can be added. For example the {@link Ext.DataView DataView}'s * <b><code>{@link Ext.DataView#click click}</code></b> event passing the node clicked on. To access DOM * events directly from a child element of a Component, we need to specify the <code>element</code> option to * identify the Component property to add a DOM listener to: *
**/new Ext.panel.Panel({ width: 400, height: 200, dockedItems: [{ xtype: 'toolbar' }], listeners: { click: { element: 'el', //bind to the underlying el property on the panel fn: function(){ console.log('click el'); } }, dblclick: { element: 'body', //bind to the underlying body property on the panel fn: function(){ console.log('dblclick body'); } } } });
/** * </p> */ // @private isObservable: true, constructor: function(config) { var me = this; Ext.apply(me, config); if (me.listeners) { me.on(me.listeners); delete me.listeners; } me.events = me.events || {}; if (me.bubbleEvents) { me.enableBubble(me.bubbleEvents); } }, // @private eventOptionsRe : /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single|stopEvent|preventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized|args|delegate|element|vertical|horizontal)$/, /** * <p>Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this Component * is destroyed. * @param {Observable|Element} item The item to which to add a listener/listeners. * @param {Object|String} ename The event name, or an object containing event name properties. * @param {Function} fn Optional. If the <code>ename</code> parameter was an event name, this * is the handler function. * @param {Object} scope Optional. If the <code>ename</code> parameter was an event name, this * is the scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the handler function is executed. * @param {Object} opt Optional. If the <code>ename</code> parameter was an event name, this * is the {@link Ext.util.Observable#addListener addListener} options. */ addManagedListener : function(item, ename, fn, scope, options) { var me = this, managedListeners = me.managedListeners = me.managedListeners || [], config; if (Ext.isObject(ename)) { options = ename; for (ename in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(ename)) { config = options[ename]; if (!me.eventOptionsRe.test(ename)) { me.addManagedListener(item, ename, config.fn || config, config.scope || options.scope, config.fn ? config : options); } } } } else { managedListeners.push({ item: item, ename: ename, fn: fn, scope: scope, options: options }); item.on(ename, fn, scope, options); } }, /** * Removes listeners that were added by the {@link #mon} method. * @param {Observable|Element} item The item from which to remove a listener/listeners. * @param {Object|String} ename The event name, or an object containing event name properties. * @param {Function} fn Optional. If the <code>ename</code> parameter was an event name, this * is the handler function. * @param {Object} scope Optional. If the <code>ename</code> parameter was an event name, this * is the scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the handler function is executed. */ removeManagedListener : function(item, ename, fn, scope) { var me = this, options, config, managedListeners, managedListener, length, i; if (Ext.isObject(ename)) { options = ename; for (ename in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(ename)) { config = options[ename]; if (!me.eventOptionsRe.test(ename)) { me.removeManagedListener(item, ename, config.fn || config, config.scope || options.scope); } } } } managedListeners = me.managedListeners ? me.managedListeners.slice() : []; length = managedListeners.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { managedListener = managedListeners[i]; if (managedListener.item === item && managedListener.ename === ename && (!fn || managedListener.fn === fn) && (!scope || managedListener.scope === scope)) { Ext.Array.remove(me.managedListeners, managedListener); item.un(managedListener.ename, managedListener.fn, managedListener.scope); } } }, /** * <p>Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</p> * <p>An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy (See {@link Ext.Component#getBubbleTarget}) * by calling {@link #enableBubble}.</p> * @param {String} eventName The name of the event to fire. * @param {Object...} args Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers. * @return {Boolean} returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true. */ fireEvent: function() { var me = this, args = Ext.Array.toArray(arguments), ename = args[0].toLowerCase(), ret = true, event = me.events[ename], queue = me.eventQueue, parent; if (me.eventsSuspended === true) { if (queue) { queue.push(args); } return false; } else if (event && Ext.isObject(event) && event.bubble) { if (event.fire.apply(event, args.slice(1)) === false) { return false; } parent = me.getBubbleTarget && me.getBubbleTarget(); if (parent && parent.isObservable) { if (!parent.events[ename] || !Ext.isObject(parent.events[ename]) || !parent.events[ename].bubble) { parent.enableBubble(ename); } return parent.fireEvent.apply(parent, args); } } else if (event && Ext.isObject(event)) { args.shift(); ret = event.fire.apply(event, args); } return ret; }, /** * Appends an event handler to this object. * @param {String} eventName The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names. See * @param {Function} handler The method the event invokes. * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (<code><b>this</b></code> reference) in which the handler function is executed. * <b>If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.</b> * @param {Object} options (optional) An object containing handler configuration. * properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul> * <li><b>scope</b> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The scope (<code><b>this</b></code> reference) in which the handler function is executed. * <b>If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.</b></div></li> * <li><b>delay</b> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</div></li> * <li><b>single</b> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</div></li> * <li><b>buffer</b> : Number<div class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an {@link Ext.util.DelayedTask} delayed * by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original * handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</div></li> * <li><b>target</b> : Observable<div class="sub-desc">Only call the handler if the event was fired on the target Observable, <i>not</i> * if the event was bubbled up from a child Observable.</div></li> * <li><b>element</b> : String<div class="sub-desc"><b>This option is only valid for listeners bound to {@link Ext.Component Components}.</b> * The name of a Component property which references an element to add a listener to. * <p>This option is useful during Component construction to add DOM event listeners to elements of {@link Ext.Component Components} which * will exist only after the Component is rendered. For example, to add a click listener to a Panel's body:
**/new Ext.panel.Panel({ title: 'The title', listeners: { click: this.handlePanelClick, element: 'body' } });
/**</p> * <p>When added in this way, the options available are the options applicable to {@link Ext.core.Element#addListener}</p></div></li> * </ul><br> * <p> * <b>Combining Options</b><br> * Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br> * <br> * A delayed, one-time listener. *
**/myPanel.on('hide', this.handleClick, this, { single: true, delay: 100 });
/** * <p> * <b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br> * The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties * which specify multiple events. For example:
**/myGridPanel.on({ cellClick: this.onCellClick, mouseover: this.onMouseOver, mouseout: this.onMouseOut, scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution });
/**. * <p> */ addListener: function(ename, fn, scope, options) { var me = this, config, event; if (Ext.isObject(ename)) { options = ename; for (ename in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(ename)) { config = options[ename]; if (!me.eventOptionsRe.test(ename)) { me.addListener(ename, config.fn || config, config.scope || options.scope, config.fn ? config : options); } } } } else { ename = ename.toLowerCase(); me.events[ename] = me.events[ename] || true; event = me.events[ename] || true; if (Ext.isBoolean(event)) { me.events[ename] = event = new Ext.util.Event(me, ename); } event.addListener(fn, scope, Ext.isObject(options) ? options : {}); } }, /** * Removes an event handler. * @param {String} eventName The type of event the handler was associated with. * @param {Function} handler The handler to remove. <b>This must be a reference to the function passed into the {@link #addListener} call.</b> * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope originally specified for the handler. */ removeListener: function(ename, fn, scope) { var me = this, config, event, options; if (Ext.isObject(ename)) { options = ename; for (ename in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(ename)) { config = options[ename]; if (!me.eventOptionsRe.test(ename)) { me.removeListener(ename, config.fn || config, config.scope || options.scope); } } } } else { ename = ename.toLowerCase(); event = me.events[ename]; if (event.isEvent) { event.removeListener(fn, scope); } } }, /** * Removes all listeners for this object including the managed listeners */ clearListeners: function() { var events = this.events, event, key; for (key in events) { if (events.hasOwnProperty(key)) { event = events[key]; if (event.isEvent) { event.clearListeners(); } } } this.clearManagedListeners(); }, //<debug> purgeListeners : function() { console.warn('Observable: purgeListeners has been deprecated. Please use clearListeners.'); return this.clearListeners.apply(this, arguments); }, //</debug> /** * Removes all managed listeners for this object. */ clearManagedListeners : function() { var managedListeners = this.managedListeners || [], i = 0, len = managedListeners.length, managedListener; for (; i < len; i++) { managedListener = managedListeners[i]; managedListener.item.un(managedListener.ename, managedListener.fn, managedListener.scope); } this.managedListener = []; }, //<debug> purgeManagedListeners : function() { console.warn('Observable: purgeManagedListeners has been deprecated. Please use clearManagedListeners.'); return this.clearManagedListeners.apply(this, arguments); }, //</debug> /** * Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire. * @param {Object|String} o Either an object with event names as properties with a value of <code>true</code> * or the first event name string if multiple event names are being passed as separate parameters. * @param {string} Optional. Event name if multiple event names are being passed as separate parameters. * Usage:
**/this.addEvents('storeloaded', 'storecleared');
/** */ addEvents: function(o) { var me = this, args, len, i; me.events = me.events || {}; if (Ext.isString(o)) { args = arguments; i = args.length; while (i--) { me.events[args[i]] = me.events[args[i]] || true; } } else { Ext.applyIf(me.events, o); } }, /** * Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event * @param {String} eventName The name of the event to check for * @return {Boolean} True if the event is being listened for, else false */ hasListener: function(ename) { var event = this.events[ename.toLowerCase()]; return event && event.isEvent === true && event.listeners.length > 0; }, /** * Suspend the firing of all events. (see {@link #resumeEvents}) * @param {Boolean} queueSuspended Pass as true to queue up suspended events to be fired * after the {@link #resumeEvents} call instead of discarding all suspended events; */ suspendEvents: function(queueSuspended) { this.eventsSuspended = true; if (queueSuspended && !this.eventQueue) { this.eventQueue = []; } }, /** * Resume firing events. (see {@link #suspendEvents}) * If events were suspended using the <code><b>queueSuspended</b></code> parameter, then all * events fired during event suspension will be sent to any listeners now. */ resumeEvents: function() { var me = this, queued = me.eventQueue || []; me.eventsSuspended = false; delete me.eventQueue; Ext.each(queued, function(e) { me.fireEvent.apply(me, e); }); }, /** * Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by <code><b>this</b></code>. * @param {Object} origin The Observable whose events this object is to relay. * @param {Array} events Array of event names to relay. */ relayEvents : function(origin, events, prefix) { prefix = prefix || ''; var me = this, len = events.length, i = 0, oldName, newName; for(; i < len; i++){ oldName = events[i].substr(prefix.length); newName = prefix + oldName; me.events[newName] = me.events[newName] || true; origin.on(oldName, me.createRelayer(newName)); } }, /** * @private * Creates an event handling function which refires the event from this object as the passed event name. * @param newName * @returns {Function} */ createRelayer: function(newName){ var me = this; return function(){ return me.fireEvent.apply(me, [newName].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, -1))); }; }, /** * <p>Enables events fired by this Observable to bubble up an owner hierarchy by calling * <code>this.getBubbleTarget()</code> if present. There is no implementation in the Observable base class.</p> * <p>This is commonly used by Ext.Components to bubble events to owner Containers. See {@link Ext.Component#getBubbleTarget}. The default * implementation in Ext.Component returns the Component's immediate owner. But if a known target is required, this can be overridden to * access the required target more quickly.</p> * <p>Example:</p>
**/Ext.override(Ext.form.Field, { // Add functionality to Field&#39;s initComponent to enable the change event to bubble initComponent : Ext.Function.createSequence(Ext.form.Field.prototype.initComponent, function() { this.enableBubble('change'); }), // We know that we want Field&#39;s events to bubble directly to the FormPanel. getBubbleTarget : function() { if (!this.formPanel) { this.formPanel = this.findParentByType('form'); } return this.formPanel; } }); var myForm = new Ext.formPanel({ title: 'User Details', items: [{ ... }], listeners: { change: function() { // Title goes red if form has been modified. myForm.header.setStyle('color', 'red'); } } });
/** * @param {String/Array} events The event name to bubble, or an Array of event names. */ enableBubble: function(events) { var me = this; if (!Ext.isEmpty(events)) { events = Ext.isArray(events) ? events: Ext.Array.toArray(arguments); Ext.each(events, function(ename) { ename = ename.toLowerCase(); var ce = me.events[ename] || true; if (Ext.isBoolean(ce)) { ce = new Ext.util.Event(me, ename); me.events[ename] = ce; } ce.bubble = true; }); } } }, function() { /** * Removes an event handler (shorthand for {@link #removeListener}.) * @param {String} eventName The type of event the handler was associated with. * @param {Function} handler The handler to remove. <b>This must be a reference to the function passed into the {@link #addListener} call.</b> * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope originally specified for the handler. * @method un */ /** * Appends an event handler to this object (shorthand for {@link #addListener}.) * @param {String} eventName The type of event to listen for * @param {Function} handler The method the event invokes * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (<code><b>this</b></code> reference) in which the handler function is executed. * <b>If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.</b> * @param {Object} options (optional) An object containing handler configuration. * @method on */ this.createAlias({ on: 'addListener', un: 'removeListener', mon: 'addManagedListener', mun: 'removeManagedListener' }); //deprecated, will be removed in 5.0 this.observeClass = this.observe; Ext.apply(Ext.util.Observable.prototype, function(){ // this is considered experimental (along with beforeMethod, afterMethod, removeMethodListener?) // allows for easier interceptor and sequences, including cancelling and overwriting the return value of the call // private function getMethodEvent(method){ var e = (this.methodEvents = this.methodEvents || {})[method], returnValue, v, cancel, obj = this; if (!e) { this.methodEvents[method] = e = {}; e.originalFn = this[method]; e.methodName = method; e.before = []; e.after = []; var makeCall = function(fn, scope, args){ if((v = fn.apply(scope || obj, args)) !== undefined){ if (typeof v == 'object') { if(v.returnValue !== undefined){ returnValue = v.returnValue; }else{ returnValue = v; } cancel = !!v.cancel; } else if (v === false) { cancel = true; } else { returnValue = v; } } }; this[method] = function(){ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), b, i, len; returnValue = v = undefined; cancel = false; for(i = 0, len = e.before.length; i < len; i++){ b = e.before[i]; makeCall(b.fn, b.scope, args); if (cancel) { return returnValue; } } if((v = e.originalFn.apply(obj, args)) !== undefined){ returnValue = v; } for(i = 0, len = e.after.length; i < len; i++){ b = e.after[i]; makeCall(b.fn, b.scope, args); if (cancel) { return returnValue; } } return returnValue; }; } return e; } return { // these are considered experimental // allows for easier interceptor and sequences, including cancelling and overwriting the return value of the call // adds an 'interceptor' called before the original method beforeMethod : function(method, fn, scope){ getMethodEvent.call(this, method).before.push({ fn: fn, scope: scope }); }, // adds a 'sequence' called after the original method afterMethod : function(method, fn, scope){ getMethodEvent.call(this, method).after.push({ fn: fn, scope: scope }); }, removeMethodListener: function(method, fn, scope){ var e = this.getMethodEvent(method), i, len; for(i = 0, len = e.before.length; i < len; i++){ if(e.before[i].fn == fn && e.before[i].scope == scope){ e.before.splice(i, 1); return; } } for(i = 0, len = e.after.length; i < len; i++){ if(e.after[i].fn == fn && e.after[i].scope == scope){ e.after.splice(i, 1); return; } } }, toggleEventLogging: function(toggle) { Ext.util.Observable[toggle ? 'capture' : 'releaseCapture'](this, function(en) { console.log(en, arguments); }); } }; }()); }); ￿