Finding Loops & Conditions

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 The Problem

There are multiple methods with which $\pi$ can be approximated. In this assignment… you will approximiate $\pi$ using the Leibniz formula.

Example 1: Leibniz Formula for Pi

$$ \frac{\pi}{4} = \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} - \frac{1}{7} + \frac{1}{9} - \frac{1}{11} + \dots $$

Since the approximation is for $\frac{\pi}{4}$… we need to multiple the final result by $4$ to get $\pi$.

1.1 Input

This program is designed to accept used input through an interactive prompt.

Example 2: Input Prompt
How many terms should be used? 

1.2 Output

All floating point output is output to 16 decimal places.

Example 3: Sample Output

10 Terms

How many terms should be used? 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Estimated: 3.2323158094055939 Known : 3.1415926535897931 Abs Error: 0.0907231558158008

20 Terms

How many terms should be used? 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Estimated: 3.1891847822775961 Known : 3.1415926535897931 Abs Error: 0.0475921286878029

100 Terms

How many terms should be used? 100
Estimated: 3.1514934010709914
Known    : 3.1415926535897931
Abs Error: 0.0099007474811983

Take note of how the approximated value for $\pi$ gets closer to the known (correct) value are more terms are used. Note that we can use up to ten million (10,000,000) terms without waiting too long (more than a few seconds) for a result.

2 Your Tasks

You will complete two (2) functions:

  1. abs_error_from_known

  2. pi_leibniz

The details of both functions, including: arguments, return values, and descriptions are included within the pydoc documentation in the provided starting code.

3 Mechanics

You can run the main program with…


The test code can be run with…

python3.11 -m pytest -v tests

4 Files

There are two (2) files in this assignment:

You will be working in Do not modify the other files.

You can access the starting files on GitHub. You may either clone the starting repository (through Git) or download a zip file.

5 Grading

Your grade will be based on the following criteria…

6 Submitting

You will submit your completed copy of as a file upload through Canvas.

Do not alter any of the other source code files, nor change the module interface.