Explore Some Example Code

Thomas J. Kennedy



1 The Problem

This section will describe the problem that the code base as a whole will solve once you have completed the code.

1.1 Input

This subsection will describe the input content, format, and overall structure.

1.2 Output

This subsection will describe the output corresponding to the sample input listed in Input.

2 Your Tasks

This section will describe the code that you will

as part of the assignment

3 Mechanics

This section will summarize the mechanics of the assignment, with particular emphasis on:

  1. Running the code
  2. Running any unit, integration, and system tests

4 Files

This section will summarize:

  1. How to access the files for the assignment
  2. Which files you will be modifying
  3. Which files you will be creating

5 Grading

This section will summarize the grading criteria for the assignment, with a particular emphasis on the correspondence to any PyTest or unittest code that was provided as part of starting code base.

6 Submitting

This section will summarize:

  1. What you will submit
  2. Where you will submit
  3. How you will submit