Working with Python's list

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Overview & Basic Operations

The list is one of most commonly used data structures in Python. The basic operations include:

  1. append to add an entry to the end of a list

  2. extend to add multiple values from another list (or other Iterable).

  3. insert to add an entry in the middle of a list

  4. count to find the number of occurrences of specific value within a list.

1.1 List Slicing & Indices

The list provides a slicing syntax that allows not just one value, but a range of values to be retrieved. If we needed to print the first ten (10) values of a list…


would the items from index zero (0) through nine (9), inclusive. Even more powerful is negative indexing. We can grab the last element with…


We could even grab every third element between indices seven (7) and fifteen (15), not including fifteen (15).


Of course… some of this seems like a solution in search of a problem, at least in isolation.

1.2 Common Operations

Python provides min, max, sum, and sort operations. (While there are more functions, e.g., filter, we will focus on the basics.)

2 Case Study

While the mechanics, syntax, and flexibility of lists can be interesting… we actually want to solve a problem. Suppose that we have a list of words in a file named words.txt.

Example 1: words.txt
ZFlip 3
Steam Deck

A few of these words are noun phrases (i.e., more than one word).

2.1 A Simple Start

Let us start by outputting a sorted list of words.

Example 2: - First Attempt

The full code can be found in the course GitHub Repository

def main():
    word_filename = sys.argv[1]

    with open(word_filename, "r") as word_file:
        words = [line.strip() for line in word_file]

    for word in sorted(words):

if __name__ == "__main__":

When the program is run using…

python3.11 words.txt

it generates the following output…

|Steam Deck|
|ZFlip 3|

The vertical pipe characters (i.e., ‘|’) are used to confirm that all leading and trailing whitespace has been removed. Do you notice a problem? The words are sorted lexicographically.

A lexicographical sort uses a defined ordering to arrange (sort) data. Unlike alphabetical order which is restricted to an alphabet, a lexicographical sort can apply any ordering which allows uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols to be included.

We could even apply a lexicographical sort to the Unicode character set which included letters from (almost) every language (and emoji).

In most cases… our intention would be for words to be sorted with case being ignored.

We just need to add a key argument to the sorted function call.

    for word in sorted(words, key=lambda word: word.lower()):

Take note of the lambda function. This is a one-off function that takes a single string (word) and converts it to lowercase (word.lower()) before comparing it to other words.

While this will work for English words… the notion of case in other languages can be interesting. The Pythonic approach is to use casefold.

    for word in sorted(words, key=lambda word: word.casefold()):

However, the code can actually written more succinctly as

    for word in sorted(words, key=str.casefold):

We do not need a full lambda function. Since Python treats functions as first-class objects… we can pass in a reference to the function we wish to have invoked on each string. (In C++ this would usually be achieved function pointer and/or templates.)

The updated can be found in the course GitHub Repository

2.2 Filtering Words

Now that we can sort words… suppose that we want to

  1. skip the blank word (i.e., ||) in the output.

  2. skip noun phrases (i.e., any line that contains a space between two or more words, numbers, or symbols (e.g., Steam Deck).

  3. ignore any word that contains a ., +, or -

We might be tempted to rewrite…

    # Grab all tokens that are not an empty string
    words = [word for word in words if word]

    # Grab all words that do not contain a space
    words = [word for word in words if " " not in word]

    # Grab all words that do not contain a ., +, or -
    words = [word for word in words if "." not in word and "+" not in word and "-" not in word]

A smart alec might even rewrite the last list comprehension to be a nested list comprehension.

    # Grab all words that do not contain a ., +, or -
    symbol_blacklist = [".", "+", "-"]
    words = [word for word in words if all(symbol not in word for symbol in symbol_blacklist)]

But this is not r/iamverysmart or r/programmerhumour. We are writing Python code and PEP 20 says…

  • Readability counts

  • Simple is better than complex.

  • If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.

Let us rethink the overuse of list comprehensions.

2.3 Refactoring

Let us rewrite the code so that main calls an apply_word_filters function.

Example 3: Updated main
def main():
    word_filename = sys.argv[1]

    with open(word_filename, "r") as word_file:
        words = [line.strip() for line in word_file]

    filtered_words = apply_word_filters(words)
    for word in sorted(filtered_words, key=str.casefold):
Example 4: apply_word_filters
def apply_word_filters(words: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[str]:
    Take a collection of words and apply the following filters:

       1. skip empty strings

       2. skip noun phrases (i.e., any token that contains a space between two
          or more words, numbers, or symbols (e.g., Steam Deck).

       3. ignore any word that contains a ., +, or -

    # Grab all tokens that are not an empty string
    words = [word for word in words if word]

    # Grab all words that do not contain a space
    words = [word for word in words if " " not in word]

    # Grab all words that do not contain a ., +, or -
    symbol_blacklist = [".", "+", "-"]
    words = [word for word in words if all(symbol not in word for symbol in symbol_blacklist)]

    return words

The first list comprehension is follows the Python convection for an empty string check.

    words = [word for word in words if word]

While C++ or Java programmers might write something along the lines of…

    words = [word for word in words if len(word) > 0]

most code reviews and linting tools would flag it. The second comprehension

    # Grab all words that do not contain a space
    words = [word for word in words if " " not in word]

is good “as is.” While one might be tempted to rewrite it as…

    # Grab all words that do not contain a space
    words = [word for word in words if word.find(" ") >= 0]

the official str.find documentation indicates that in is the accepted approach.

That just leaves the final list comprehension.

    symbol_blacklist = [".", "+", "-"]
    words = [word for word in words if all(symbol not in word for symbol in symbol_blacklist)]

I think a not-any-in approach would be more readable.

    words = [
        word for word in words if not any(symbol in word for symbol in symbol_blacklist)

That leaves us with a (more-or-less) final filter function.

Example 5: apply_word_filters

def apply_word_filters(
    words: Iterable[str], symbol_blacklist: tuple[str] = DEFAULT_SYMBOL_BLACKLIST
) -> Iterable[str]:
    Take a collection of words and apply the following filters:

       1. skip empty strings

       2. skip noun phrases (i.e., any token that contains a space between two
          or more words, numbers, or symbols (e.g., Steam Deck).

       3. ignore any word that contains a ., +, or -

    words = [word for word in words if word]

    words = [word for word in words if " " not in word]

    words = [
        word for word in words if not any(symbol in word for symbol in symbol_blacklist)

    return words

Take note of the subtle change to symbol_blacklist. If a function uses a blacklist…

  1. That blacklist should be passed in as an argument.

  2. If there is a default (or fallback) blacklist it should be provided as a default argument.

  3. A tuple should be used for the default since constants should be immutable.

The updated can be found in the course GitHub Repository

2.4 Are We Done with Filtering?

Yes… we are done with filtering words. Let us actually do some analysis (i.e., work in main). Suppose that we want to output the following table…

Example 6: Desired Table
| CSS                | Lua                |
| HTML               | PHP                |
| Java               | CSS                |
| JavaScript         | Java               |
| loop               | loop               |
| Lua                | Perl               |
| Minecraft          | Rust               |
| Perl               | HTML               |
| Persona            | Python             |
| PHP                | Persona            |
| Python             | Scratch            |
| RaspberryPi        | Wikipedia          |
| Rust               | Minecraft          |
| Scratch            | JavaScript         |
| Wikipedia          | RaspberryPi        |

We would take our existing loop…

    for word in sorted(filtered_words, key=str.casefold):

and separate the sort operation.

    words_sorted_lex = sorted(filtered_words, key=str.casefold)
    words_sorted_len = sorted(filtered_words, key=len)

Note how the sorted list from the loop is now stored in variable (words_sorted_lex where lex is an abbreviation for lexicographical). There is now a second list (words_sorted_len) where words are sorted by length.

The loop becomes…

    for word_lhs, word_rhs in zip(words_sorted_lex, words_sorted_len):
        print(f"| {word_lhs:<18} | {word_rhs:<18} |")

Take note of zip. The zip function takes two Iterable collections and retrieves corresponding pairs of items (e.g., words_sorted_lex[0], words_sorted_len[0]). And… we happen to know that our two word lists have equal length.

The output is a little f-string formatting magic.

2.5 What About min and max?

Suppose that we wanted to grab the three longest words from words_sorted_len. Since the list is sorted by length… we can simply grab the last three (3) entries.

    print("Top 3 Longest Words:")
    for word in words_sorted_len[-1:-4:-1]:
        print(f"  {word}")

Take not of the indices in words_sorted_len[-1:-4:-1]. We are…

  1. Grabbing all elements from the last index ([-1)

  2. down to, but not including, (:-4:)

  3. going backwards (:-1])

That is about as clear as mud. I would prefer…

    for word in reversed(words_sorted_len[-3:]):
        print(f"  {word}")

This is a bit more clear. We are starting at the third from last entry and reversing the order, i,e., $-3, -2, -1$ becomes $-1, -2, -3$.

Now suppose that we want the longest word and shortest word that start with a each letter.

Keep in mind that min and max return the first value encountered (e.g., if two words with equal length are both the shortest, min would return the first one encountered).

Let us start with finding the longest words.

Example 7: Finding the Longest Words
    for letter in ascii_lowercase:
            longest_word = max(
                (word for word in filtered_words if word.lower().startswith(letter)),

        except ValueError as _err:
            # There were no words that started with "letter"
            # There is nothing to output

        print(f"  ({letter}) - {longest_word}")

The string module provides the set of lowercase letters in ascii_lowercase. We start by grabbing each letter.

    for letter in ascii_lowercase:

We attempt look for the longest word that starts with letter

            longest_word = max(
                (word for word in filtered_words if word.lower().startswith(letter)),

If there are no letters that start with letter… we skip to the next loop iteration.

        except ValueError as _err:
            # There were no words that started with "letter"
            # There is nothing to output

If a word… we output both letter and the word.

        print(f"  ({letter}) - {longest_word}")

Identifying the shortest words is near identical (using min instead of max).

Example 8: Finding the Shortest Words
    for letter in ascii_lowercase:
            longest_word = max(
                (word for word in filtered_words if word.lower().startswith(letter)),

        except ValueError as _err:
            # There were no words that started with "letter"
            # There is nothing to output

        print(f"  ({letter}) - {longest_word}")

The two loops are very similar. With some care…

  1. we could refactor the two loops into a reusable function.

  2. we could refactor the two loops into a single loop that reuses the list containing words that start with letter.

However, I will leave both options as exercises to the reader (i.e., you).

3 The Finished Code

The final version of can be found in the course GitHub Repository