Building a Linked List - Part 1

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Yep… Linked Lists

You have almost certainly worked with Linked Lists in previous coursework. In C++ they are one of the first places that pointers are used in a meaningful way. In both C++ and Java, Linked Lists are the cliché lets build it examples.

We will use Linked Lists as an opportunity to discuss a few topics, including dataclasses and Iterators.

2 The Node

The Node is the building block of any Linked List.

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data: Any = None) = data
        self.next_node = None

Note that the second data is often referred to as next or link in most implementations. Unfortunately, next is a reserved keyword in Python. The use of link is not, from my perspective, specific enough.

Note that… what we are discussing is a Singly Linked List. In other types of Linked Lists (e.g., Doubly Linked Lists or Skip Lists) each Node references multiple other Nodes. The use of link in those cases would be ambiguous (which means we should not encourage its use here).

2.1 Refining the Node

If we return to the Node class…

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data: Any = None) = data
        self.next_node = None

We might be tempted to rewrite it as…

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data: Any = None)
        self.__data = data
        self.__next_node = None

    def data(self) -> Any:
        return self.__data

    def data(self, val: Any):
        return self.__data = val

    def next_node(self) -> Node:
        return self.__next_node

    def next_node(self, val: Node):
        return self.__next_node = val

This would allow us to add some validation logic anytime __next_node or __data is updated. Note that the focus with the double underscore (dunder) naming is to avoid naming collisions. Despite a few Python tutorials… the double underscore does not truly restrict access.

However, Node is an implementation detail. It will actually be defined within the scope of a larger LinkedList class.

class LinkedList:
    class Node:
        def __init__(self, data: Any = None)
            self.__data = data
            self.__next_node = None

        def data(self) -> Any:
            return self.__data

        def data(self, val: Any):
            return self.__data = val

        def next_node(self) -> Node:
            return self.__next_node

        def next_node(self, val: Node):
            return self.__next_node = val

2.2 Node as a Data Class

Node is an implementation detail. It will not be part of our public API (i.e., client/external code will not create Nodes nor use them directly). This is an excellent opportunity for a dataclass demonstration.

class LinkedList:
    class Node:
        data: Any = None
        next_node: Node = None

The @dataclass decorator will handle generating a __init__ for us. While a few other functions are generated… __repr__ is the only other one that we care about. We will never need to compare two Nodes directly.

class LinkedList:
    class Node:
        data: Any = None
        next_node: Node = None

Note that by default @dataclass generates…

Here… we have disabled the generation of __eq__ and left the other settings (listed in the Python documentation) alone.

3 Onward to the Linked List

Now we can start defining the LinkedList class. Let us start with a few placeholder functions. Note that each of these functions will end with pass which is the syntactic equivalent of empty brackets ({}) in C++ or Java.

class LinkedList:
    class Node:
        data: Any = None
        next_node: Node = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.head: Node = None
        self.tail: Node = None
        self.length: int = 0

Ah… I almost forgot to define what our LinkedList uses as data members (attributes) and write a constructor. This definition includes three data members:

When a new LinkedList is created… it is empty (i.e., has no data stored in it). This initial state is defined as

Since there is no data… there are no head or tail nodes (or any nodes).

3.1 Now that the Constructor is Done…

We need to be able to add data to the list…

    def append(self, val: Any) -> None:

The function is named append to mirror the naming of the Python list. Next… we need to ensure the size of the list can be retrieved…

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return self.length

Note that __len__ is a one liner. It is also the dunder function that len() invokes behind the scenes.

3.2 Let us Add Output

Let us add a __str__ that outputs the value stored in each node, preceded by a numeric index.

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Iterate through the LinkedList and print each individual Node
        with an index.

Note that __str__ does not truly make sense for this class. However, we will discuss why and what is appropriate in a follow-up lecture.

4 The Full Interface

Let us collect the entire LinkedList class into a single listing.

class LinkedList:
    class Node:
        data: Any = None
        next_node: Node = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.head: Node = None
        self.tail: Node = None
        self.length: int = 0

    def append(self, val: Any) -> None:

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return self.length

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Iterate through the LinkedList and print each individual Node
        with an index.

There are quite a few methods missing, e.g.,

However, we have enough to start implementation. Discussion of the missing methods will be tabled until a future lecture.

5 Implementation

Let us start with append. This method is responsible for:

  1. Taking a piece of data
  2. Creating a new Node
  3. Adding the new Node to the end of the LinkedList
  4. Keeping self.tail up to date (i.e., always referencing the last node)
  5. Incrementing the Node count
    def append(self, val: Any) -> None:
        Add a piece of data (entry) to the end of the list. If the list is
        currently empty, this new entry will be both the first and last entry
        in the list.

            val: piece of data to store

        #  If the list is currently empty... this is the first Node
        if not self.head:
            new_node = LinkedList.Node(val)

            self.head = new_node
            self.tail = new_node

            self.length = 1

            new_node = LinkedList.Node(val)

            # Add the new node after the current tail
            self.tail.next_node = new_node

            # The new node is now the tail
            self.tail = new_node

            self.length += 1

We could have used the early return trick…

        #  If the list is currently empty... this is the first Node
        if not self.head:
            new_node = LinkedList.Node(val)

            self.head = new_node
            self.tail = new_node

            self.length = 1

        # General case (every node after the first node)
        new_node = LinkedList.Node(val)

        # Add the new node after the current tail
        self.tail.next_node = new_node

        # The new node is now the tail
        self.tail = new_node

        self.length += 1

However, I believe that runs afoul of the Zen of Python

Readability counts.


If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.

In this instance… the early return actually makes the code less readable. While an early return can be useful… this is a non-value-returning method. Let us stick with the first implementation.

5.1 Let Us Tweak “append”

However, I would like to split the append method into three methods:

While the dunder (double underscore) is oft abused to pretend to make something private…

  1. One underscore indicates that a function is an implementation detail and should not (without good reason) be used outside the class.

  2. Two underscores add name mangling to the mix. To call __append_first outside of LinkedList one would need to write LinkedList_append_first`.

    def __append_first(self, val):
        Add the very first node

        new_node = LinkedList.Node(val)

        self.head = new_node
        self.tail = new_node

        self.length = 1

    def __append_general(self, val):
        Add every node other than the first node

        new_node = LinkedList.Node(val)

        # Add the new node after the current tail
        self.tail.next_node = new_node

        # The new node is now the tail
        self.tail = new_node

        self.length += 1

    def append(self, val: Any) -> None:
        Add a piece of data (entry) to the end of the list. If the list is
        currently empty, this new entry will be both the first and last entry
        in the list.

            val: piece of data to store

        if not self.head:


The motivation for this change will become more clear in a follow-up lecture. For now… just make a mental note.

5.2 And… Output!

Recall that __str__ does not really make sense for a LinkedList. While we are about to implement a quick __str__… the method will be replaced in a follow-up lecture.

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Iterate through the LinkedList and print each individual Node
        with an index.

        output_str = ""
        idx = 0

        it = self.head

        while it:
            output_str += f"Node #{idx:} contains {}\n"

            it = it.next_node
            idx += 1

        return output_str

There are a few things wrong with the implementation of __str__:

  1. String concatenation is used. Python strings are immutable. Every time we “add” to the string a new string is created.

  2. There are two iteration variables (idx and it). We should be using enumerate along with an actual Iterator to make the code more Pythonic.

  3. The output format is debugging specific. Think about all the code in

    • Java that used a LinkedList or ArrayList

    • C++ that used a std::vector or std::list

    All output logic was program specific. The data structure never provided a production output function.

However, we will explore these issues in a follow-up lecture.

6 The Code So Far…

The current (complete) LinkedList class from this example can be found (along with a test suite) in Module-10-Linked-List/Example-1 in the Example Code Repository.