Building a Linked List - Part 3

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 What About Our Goal?

The previous lecture focused on adding functionality to our LinkedList implementation with the end goal of building a drop-in replacement for list.

We are close… for the moment we need:

  1. __contains__ to support the in keyword for search, e.g.,

    if 7 in example_list:
        print('"7" was found!)
  2. __add__ to add two LinkedList objects together

    ll_1 = LinkedList(range(1, 7))
    ll_2 = LinkedList(range(20, 30))
    ll_3 = ll_1 + ll_2

1.1 Start with Dunder add

Let us start with __add__. After all… it is built on what we have learned while writing:

We can actually implement __add__ in three four lines (counting is hard)…

    def __add__(self, other: -> LinkedList:
        new_ll = LinkedList()

        return new_ll

However, we do not need to start with an empty LinkedList. We can actually use the constructor to grab the first batch of data.

    def __add__(self, other: -> LinkedList:
        new_ll = LinkedList(self)

        return new_ll

Now… we actually have three lines (not counting the blank line)!

Even though we have not explicity referenced running a LinkedList test suite… the test_add function caught a few mistakes with a tweaked extend implementation (which will be discussed later in this lecture).

Did you notice that other has Iterable listed as its type? There is no reason to restrict __add__ to two LinkedList objects. If we can iterate over something… we can grab its data.

1.2 Add Support for “in”

Since in returns True if a value in found within a collection… a sequential search should be our initial choice. (Since we have a linked list… a sequentail search is our only choice.)

    def __contains__(self, value_to_find: Any) -> bool:
        for entry in self:
            if entry == value_to_find:
                return True

        return False

While the initial implementation is correct… why not use any?

    def __contains__(self, value_to_find: Any) -> bool:
        return any(entry == value_to_find for entry in self)

If you have read the docs… you will know that this implementation is similar to what is produced automatically…

For objects that don’t define __contains__(), the membership test first tries iteration via __iter__()

Retrieved from

However, our implementation does give us a baseline… in case we decide to implement a doubly linked list or a skip list in the future.

2 Let Us Refactor

Now… it is time to start refactoring. Let us start with __str__.

2.1 Remove Dunder str

While, __str__ does produce output and was used for debugging… we now have __repr__. Keep in mind that…

LinkedList is intended to be a used as a drop-in replacement for list across multiple programs. It is a safe assumption that each of those programs will have a different output specification. And… those programs can now access the stored data through LinkedList.Iterator.

Let us remove __str__.

2.2 Dunder repr Has a Bug

The test suite contains checks for __str__ through use of has_string and string_contains_in_order matchers. If a class does not have a __str__ these checks examine the output of __repr__.

    assert_that(empty_list, has_string("LinkedList()"))

In the case of an empty list… we would expect that __repr__ returns


However, we end up with…


A quick early return is the (in my opinion) most ideal solution.

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        if not self:
            return "LinkedList()"

        inner_data_str = ", ".join(f"{datum!r}" for datum in self)

        return f"LinkedList(({inner_data_str}))"

If the list is empty… we can just return a call to LinkedList().

3 Tweaking Node Creation

The append logic has always bothered me. When analyzing computation complexity… we look at time vs space (i.e., runtime vs memory):

Conditional blocks (e.g., if) have a cost. Let us revisit append.

    def append(self, val: Any) -> None:
        Add a piece of data (entry) to the end of the list. If the list is
        currently empty, this new entry will be both the first and last entry
        in the list.

            val: piece of data to store

        if not self.head:


We know for a fact that if not self.head will only evaluate to True when the very first Node is created. What if… we added an unused first Node?

    def append(self, val: Any) -> None:
        Add a piece of data (entry) to the end of the list.

            val: piece of data to store


As long as __init__ always adds the placeholder first Nodeappend will always have access to a tail Node.

    def __init__(self, initial_data: = None):
        self.head: Node = None
        self.tail: Node = None
        self.length: int = 0  # Do not include the "buffer" Node


        # Use extend to add any starting data
        if initial_data:

We need to update __iter__ to skip to the second Node.

    def __iter__(self) -> LinkedList.Iterator:
        second_node = self.head.next_node
        return LinkedList.Iterator(starting_node=second_node)

And… the length is wrong. (Note that is being run after making each change to identify any oversights). Let us return to __init__ and move the __append_first logic.

    def __init__(self, initial_data: = None):
        self.head: Node = None
        self.tail: Node = None
        self.length: int = 0  # Do not include the "buffer" Node

        new_node = LinkedList.Node(data=None)

        self.head = new_node
        self.tail = new_node

        self.length = 1

        # Use extend to add any starting data
        if initial_data:

Ah… self.length was being set to 1. Note that length should only be updated when data is stored.

    def __init__(self, initial_data: = None):
        self.head: Node = None
        self.tail: Node = None
        self.length: int = 0  # Do not include the "buffer" Node

        new_node = LinkedList.Node(data=None)

        self.head = new_node
        self.tail = new_node

        # Use extend to add any starting data
        if initial_data:

Let us finally fix a type annotation mistake…

    def __init__(self, initial_data: = None):
        self.head: LinkedList.Node = None
        self.tail: LinkedList.Node = None

And… I think __init__ is good enough now. Any further changes would, in my opinion, decrease readabilty.

Let us remove __append_general and move all of its logic into append.

4 One More Type Annotation

There is one more type annotation to fix, next_node: Node.

    class Node:
        data: Any = None
        next_node: Node = None

Let us use Self instead of writing LinkedList.Node.

    class Node:
        data: Any = None
        next_node: Self = None

5 That is “The End”

While we could continue tweaking our implementation… we are starting to encounter diminishing returns. Our changes thus far have:

  1. increased readability
  2. decreased complexity
  3. fixed bugs
  4. brought us in line with the Python Class Checklist

If our concern were performance… we would actually be implementing our LinkedList in C or C++ and providing Python bindings (similar to what NumPy and Pandas do).

The final (complete) LinkedList class can be found (along with a test suite) in Module-10-Linked-List/Example-3 in the Example Code Repository.