Module 7 Objective Mapping

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Module Objectives

You will notice quite a few mappings of Module 7 objectives (row) to Course Objectives (column). Context Managers apply to quite a few aspects of Python.

# Module Objective 1 2 3 4 5 6.A 6.B 7.A 7.B 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Write code to read data from a plaintext file
2 Write code to write data to a plaintext file
3 Make use of the with context manager to guarantee input and output files are closed
4 Discuss context managers in the context of scope
5 Write code to handle specific exceptions (e.g., ValueError)
6 Refactor code to make use of context managers
7 Discuss why a single bare except that handles all possible exceptions is considered bad practice

2 Lectures & Objectives

The following table shows lectures (rows) vs Module Level Objectives (columns).

Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Module 7 Objective Mapping
Context Managers
Basic Exceptions
Exceptions & File Parsing
Module 7 Summary

3 Course Level Objectives

The course objectives are listed in section 2.4 of the syllabus and reproduced in this document for reference.

A student who successfully completes this course will be able to (in Python):

  1. Run a program consisting of a single file and containing a main function.
  2. Run a program consisting of multiple modules and containing a main function.
  3. Organize code into multiple modules.
  4. Write tests for a module.
  5. Apply the basics of test-driven development through PyTest and/or unittest.
  6. Make use of the various loops (for and while)
    1. Compare the various loops (for and while)
    2. Choose the most appropriate loop (for or while) for a given problem
  7. Make use of the conditional blocks (i.e., if, if-else, and if-else-if-else).
    1. Compare the various conditional blocks (i.e., if, if-else, and if-else-if-else)
    2. Construct the appropriate conditional block (i.e., if, if-else, and if-else-if-else) for a given problem.
  8. Test and write functions.
  9. Design ADTs in accordance with the Class Checklist.
  10. Discuss when polymorphism is appropriate.
  11. Discuss when it is appropriate to utilize dataclasses, classes, and enums.
  12. Write code that utilizes dunder functions.
  13. Refactor code to follow best practices (e.g., PEP 8 and PEP 20).
  14. Apply code linting tools (e.g., pylint and black) to write idiomatic (Pythonic) code.
  15. Discuss the various NumPy np.array mechanics (e.g., broadcasting).