NumPy - Broadcasting

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Getting Started

The next couple snippets are extracted from

2 Loops & Comprehensions

In Python… each element of a list must be updated one at a time. If a list of prices needed to be reduced by 10%, each one would need to be multiplied by 0.9 within a loop…

    prices = [1.00, 2.95, 8.40, 3.50, 3.30, 16.91]

    for idx in range(len(prices)):
        price[idx] *= 0.9

or using a list comprehension

    prices = [1.00, 2.95, 8.40, 3.50, 3.30, 16.91]
    prices = [0.9 * price for price in prices]


3 NumPy Broadcasting

NumPy’s broadcasting mechanic allows us to write a simple prices *= 0.9.

    prices = np.array([1.00, 2.95, 8.40, 3.50, 3.30, 16.91])
    prices *= 0.9


    print("*" * 80)

The obvious benefit is less typing. The more important one is optimization. NumPy’s core is implemented in C. The official NumPy Documentation provides a succinct overview in its Why is NumPy Fast? section.

4 Benchmarks & Performance

How much faster is NumPy? Let us run a quick using

    num_values = 1000000
    num_runs = 100

    def op_wrapper_py():
        prices = range(1, num_values, 1)
        prices = [0.9 * price for price in prices]

    py_list = timeit.timeit(op_wrapper_py, number=num_runs)

    def op_wrapper_np():
        prices = np.arange(0, num_values, 1, dtype=np.float64)
        prices[:] *= 0.9

    np_array = timeit.timeit(op_wrapper_np, number=num_runs)

    print(f"Python Time: {py_list:.4f}")
    print(f"NumPy Time : {np_array:.4f}")

On a Core i7-6700k… For 1 million numbers, run 100 times… The NumPy code is a little over 10 times faster than the pure Python code.

Time (sec)
Python 5.1248
NumPy 0.3168