Types of Tests

Thomas J. Kennedy


There are quite a few types of tests… They are better described as testing techniques or methodologies. We are interested in:

1 General Testing Techniques

Let us focus on general testing techniques first.

1.1 Head-to-Head Testing

Head-to-head-testing is essentially comparing to sets of output:

1.2 Black-Box Testing


Black-Box testing involves writing tests for a “black box.”

What is a “black box?”

This type of testing focuses creating test data for a function, class, or program with a known interface, but whose implementation details are unknown.

In fact… this technique is used in Test Driven Development (TDD) to write unit tests before actually implementing any code.

Let us go through a quick example. Suppose you are provided the following function declaration and told to design a few tests.

Example 1: Simple Addition Function

def add_two_integers(num1: int, num2: int) -> int: """ Add two integers (any combination of positive, negative, or zero) together. Args: num1: first number num2: second number Returns: sum of num1 and num2 (i.e., num1 + num2) Raises: ValueError if `num1` and `num1` are not in the range -10000 to 10000 (inclusive). """

As a point of reference both C++ Doxygen and Java Javadoc versions are listed below.

C++ Documentation
Java Documentation

The function has full documentation. The constraints (e.g., preconditions) of the function are explicitly stated. All numbers must fall in the range $-10,000$ to $10,000$. We would want to test a few things:

Since we know how to add (usually…), the correct sums can be computed by hand. When we obtain the definition of add_two_integers the results generated by the function can be compared to the known correct results.

1.3 White-Box Testing

White-Box testing complements Black-Box testing. While Black-Box testing ignores the code itself (instead focusing on interfaces and requirements), White-Box testing focuses on the code and all but ignores the requirements.

White-Box testing often examines which lines of code are executed and which branches are taken. The process generally makes use of a tool such as

These are code coverage tools… used to track which lines of code are “touched” during a program’s normal execution (i.e., using the main driver function) or when some type of tests (e.g., Black-Box or Unit) are run.

2 Formal Testing Frameworks

In previous lectures (within this course and in previous coursework) most tests were run manually. Formal testing frameworks (e.g., JUnit) allow the process to be automated.

Suppose that we have a function that:

  1. accepts an integer
  2. adds one to the integer
  3. doubles that result
  4. returns the final result

The function might have a signature in the form…

def add_one_then_double(val: int) -> int:

I have forgone pydoc documentation in this example. Note the use of


This keyword is the Python equivalent of an empty block in C++…

int add_one_then_double(const int val)
    return -1;

or Java…

public int add_one_then_double(final int val)
    return -1;

or Rust…

fn add_one_then_double(val: u32) -> u32
    return 0 as u32;

However, our focus is on Python. While writing good tests is a discussion in its own right…

2.1 Defining a Test

It is still possible to write a simple test. The key is knowing a priori (i.e., ahead of time) what output will be generated for a given input. Assuming add_one_then_double were fully documented… we could compute the following…

val plus 1 double
0 1 2
1 2 4
2 3 6
3 4 8
4 5 10

A Python unit test written using pytest and PyHamcrest would start off similar to…

def test_quick_demo():
    assert_that(add_one_then_double(0), is_(equal_to(2)))
    assert_that(add_one_then_double(1), is_(equal_to(4)))
    assert_that(add_one_then_double(2), is_(equal_to(6)))
    assert_that(add_one_then_double(3), is_(equal_to(8)))
    assert_that(add_one_then_double(4), is_(equal_to(10)))

The syntax (and missing import statements) will be discussed in a separate (maybe even the next) lecture. For now… we just need to note that any properly implemented version of add_one_then_double will pass the test_quick_demo unit test.

2.2 What are Unit, Integration and System Tests?

The three types of tests can be defined as follows…