Using the C++ Class Checklist

Thomas J. Kennedy


This discussion will focus on the C++ Class Checklist, specifically in how to use the C++ Class Checklist as a guide to write a complete C++ Class.

1 The Initial Class

A smart aleck claims that following class is complete:

 * A collection of Recipes. This class handles all logic
 * for a cookbook--e.g.,
 *   - Adding recipes
 *   - Printing recipes
class Cookbook {
        static const int MAX_RECIPES;

        Recipe* recipes;

        typedef Recipe* iterator;
        typedef const Recipe* const_iterator;

         * Create a Cookbook that can contain at most MAX_RECIPES
         * recipes

         * Create a Cookbook that can contain at most _r_
         * recipes
        Cookbook(int r);

         * Add a Recipe
         * @param to_add new Recipe
        void addRecipe(Recipe &to_add);

You are responsible for the Cookbook class code review. What changes does Cookbook need to be considered complete?

Before reading the remainder of this document, take a few moments to think about what is missing.

2 Initial Observations

We know based on the C++ Class Checklist that Cookbook is incomplete.

Is this class complete?

What observations can we make?

2.1 Documentation

In larger programs proper and complete documentation is important. This is an ideal time to force ourselves into the habit of properly documenting code. I will use a Javadoc / Doxygen style for C++. Other languages have their own conventions (e.g., Pydoc in Python, Rustdoc in Rust, and Javadoc in Java).

We will address the missing documentation in situ as we discuss each function.

2.2 Typedefs vs Aliases

Let us start by replacing the two typedefs

        typedef Recipe* iterator;
        typedef const Recipe* const_iterator;

with type aliases

        using iterator       = Recipe*;
        using const_iterator = const Recipe*;

3 Starting with display and Output

The operator<< method is the most natural function (i.e., it has a clear purpose). There will always be a need to output a custom object. In C++ this is handled by operator<<, which we usually pair with display.

The operator<<(std::ostream& outs, const Cookbook& toPrint) function can not be written as a member function. It must either be written as a friend function or an external function. Let us only use friend functions when absolutely necessary.

We will start with the display member function.

         * Display the Cookbook with each recipe separated by `\n---\n`.
         * @param outs output destination (e.g., cout or a file)
        void display(std::ostream& outs) const;

The stream insertion operator (informally called the output operator) is little more than an inlined wrapper function.

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& outs, const Cookbook& prt)
    return outs;

We can forgo documentation on this function. Its arguments, return type, and name all follow standard C++ convention and practice.

4 Tackling operator== and operator<

The C++ operator== compares two objects for equivalence.

     * Compare two cookbooks based on the recipes they contain, ignoring the
     * the order of the recipes.
     * @param rhs object against which to compare
     * @return true if both this and rhs are Cookbooks with the same recipes
     bool operator==(const Cookbook& rhs) const;

In C++, operator< is usually paired with operator== based on requirements of the C++ STL. Both functions must follow the same rules. In this case, both operator== and operator< are based purely on the Recipe objects contained in a Cookbook.

     * Less than (comes-before) Operator
     * Compare two cookbooks based on the recipes they contain, ignoring the
     * the order of the recipes.
     *  - If lhs has fewer recipes than rhs, lhs < rhs.
     *  - If lhs and rhs have the same number of recipes, sort each set of
     *    recipes then compare each pair of recipes, basing lhs < rhs on the
     *    first set of non-equal recipes.
     * @param rhs Cookbook against which to compare
     * @return true if both `this` should be listed before `rhs`
    bool operator<(const Cookbook& rhs) const;

The documentation is more verbose than I would like. However, it captures the rules for comparison explicitly (i.e., there is no ambiguity in how the comparison must be performed). Verbosity can be addressed in a later revision.

4.1 Const Correctness

Let us take another look at operator== and operator<.

    bool operator==(const Cookbook& rhs) const;

    bool operator<(const Cookbook& rhs) const;

Take note of how const appears twice in each method. The first const

const Cookbook& rhs

applies to the argument. The rhs (right-hand side) is passed by constant reference. This gives us direct read-only access to the rhs cookbook. The use of const guarantees that rhs will no be changed during either comparison.

The second const (at the end of each function) serves a similar purpose. It (i.e., ) const;) guarantees that this Cookbook remains unchanged.

Can you imagine writing

Cookbook simple; Cookbook notSimple; // Do some stuff // ... cout << simple << "\n"; if (simple == notSimple) { cout << "simple and notSimple are the same" << "\n"; } cout << simple << "\n";

and getting different output for simple the second time?

4.2 rel_ops and The Spaceship Operator

Notice how we did not write functions for <=, >, >=, or !=? The compiler will take operator== and operator< and build the them for us, if we add

using std::rel_ops;

C++20 plans to deprecate this with the spaceship operator, operator<=>. However, the spaceship operator (three-way comparison operator) requires its own (separate) discussion, in a future lecture.

5 Interface Completeness

The initial Cookbook class has an addRecipe function. If the class allows Recipes to be added, removal of Recipes should probably be possible too.

     * Remove a Recipe.
     * @param to_remove recipe to remove from the cookbook
     * @pre `to_remove` is present in the cookbook. If `to_remove` is not
     *  part of this cookbook, this method becomes a no-op (it completes
     *  silently after performing no removal).
    void removeRecipe(const Recipe& to_remove);

This method can probably be written more elegantly with iterators. However, I will leave that approach as an exercise to the reader.

6 Iterators

A Cookbook has multiple Recipes. What design pattern allows us to iterator over a collection? The Iterator Pattern.

We already have the iterators:

        using iterator       = Recipe*;
        using const_iterator = const Recipe*;

We need to add begin and end functions. We need one set for the read-write iterator (i.e., iterator) and one set for the read-only iterator (i.e., const_iterator).

         * First Recipe
        iterator begin();

         * End of Recipe Collection
        iterator end();

         * First Recipe
        const_iterator begin() const;

         * End of Recipe Collection
        const_iterator end() const;

We could forgo documentation for these four functions. However, it is always a good idea to document over what we are iterating (e.g., Recipe objects).

7 Big-3 & Deep Copies

Unless explicitly not required, we need to guarantee that deep copies are performed. We want to copy the data referenced by pointers (deep copy). We do not want to copy the pointers themselves (shallow copy).

We also need to guarantee memory cleanup (i.e., memory deallocation). If we call new, or calloc, or malloc, we need to corresponding calls to delete or free are called.

That leads us to the copy constructor and, the familiar, destructor.

     * Copy Constructor.
     * @param src Cookbook to copy
    Cookbook(const Cookbook& src);

     * Destructor

The Copy Constructor handles pass-by-value (a.k.a pass-by-copy). We need to handle assignment, e.g.,

    Cookbook simpleCookbook;
    Cookbook aCopy;

    // Do stuff
    // ...

    aCopy = simpleCookbook;

This is handled by the assignment operator.

     * Assignment Operator
    Cookbook& operator=(const Cookbook& rhs);

This is often naively implemented by copying-and-pasting code.

Cookbook& Cookbook::operator=(const Cookbook& rhs)
    if (*this != &rhs) {
        // Copy-and-paste destructor logic
        // ...

        // Copy-and-paste copy constructor logic

    return *this;

7.1 The Copy-and-Swap Idiom

The Copy-and-Swap Idiom addressed the D.R.Y (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle. First, we need to change from pass-by-reference

     * Assignment Operator
    Cookbook& operator=(const Cookbook& rhs);

to pass-by-copy

     * Assignment Operator
    Cookbook& operator=(Cookbook rhs);

The change to pass-by-value forces an implicit call to the Copy Constructor. After adding a quick swap function (which we will implement as a friend function)…

    void swap(Cookbook& lhs, Cookbook& rhs);

we can finish the revising operator=.

Cookbook& Cookbook::operator=(Cookbook rhs)
    swap(*this, rhs);

    return *this;

The calls to the Copy Constructor (when creating rhs) and the destructor (after the swap) now happen implicitly. We also get a swap function out of it!

8 Putting the Pieces Together

Corrected Cookbook

9 Modern C++ (i.e., C++20 & Move Semantics)

C++20 adds the spaceship (three-way comparison) operator, default comparisons, and quite a few other mechanics. For now we want to focus on the basics. We will revisit these additions in a later lecture.

Move semantics center around lvalues and rvalues. It is extremely useful to understand these two concepts. However, they are beyond the scope of this discussion.

9.1 Big-5

Move semantics turn the Big-3 into the Big-5. The whole notion of move semantics centers around transient (i.e., temporary) copies.

The Big-3 (and swap) from our checklist…

Example 1: Big-3 and Swap
         * Copy Constructor.
         * @param src Cookbook to copy
        Cookbook(const Cookbook& src);

         * Destructor.

         * Assignment Operator
        Cookbook& operator=(const Cookbook& rhs);

         * Swap two Cookbooks.
         * @param lhs first cookbook
         * @param rhs second cookbook
        void swap(Cookbook& lhs, Cookbook& rhs);

would become the Big-5 (and swap).

Example 2: Big-5 and Swap
         * Copy Constructor.
         * @param src Cookbook to copy
        Cookbook(const Cookbook& src);

         * Move Copy Constructor.
         * @param src Cookbook to copy
        Cookbook(Cookbook&& src);

         * Destructor.

         * Assignment Operator
        Cookbook& operator=(const Cookbook& rhs);

         * Move Assignment Operator
        Cookbook& operator=(Cookbook&& rhs);

         * Swap two Cookbooks.
         * @param lhs first cookbook
         * @param rhs second cookbook
        void swap(Cookbook& lhs, Cookbook& rhs);

The implementation, which requires a discussion of move semantics and rvalues, is technically outside the scope of this lecture. The remainder of this section (i.e., The Big-5) is optional reading,

The rules of the Big-3 still apply. The Copy Constructor and Copy Assignment Operator guarantee deep copies. However, there are a few cases, where we know an object is a transient copy (i.e., immediately after we copy it, it will be deleted anyway). Instead of wasting a copy, move semantics allow data to be stolen.

Consider the Book example class. We know that std::string uses dynamic memory interally (as do IngredientList and InstructionList). Instead of copying data in cases where the original will be deleted, we are going to move (i.e., steal) the data.

Book::Book(Book&& src)                                                                                                  

std::move does what its name suggests, it moves data. Think of it as copying pointers to the new Book, then setting the internal pointers in src (e.g., in src.title) to nullptr.

This guarantees that:

We still end up with two objects.

9.2 The Big-0

There is an alternative to the Big-3 and Big-5, called the Big-0. The Big-0 will be covered in a future lecture.

10 Practice the Process (A Second Example)

The same smart aleck presents the following Recipe class:

typedef std::vector<Ingredient> IngredientList;
typedef std::vector<std::string> InstructionList;

 * This class contains all information pertaining to a Recipe
class Recipe {
        std::string     title;
        IngredientList  ingredients;
        InstructionList instructions;


         * Create an empty Recipe--I can cook this.

         * Create a Recipe with a title
        Recipe(std::string title);

         * Add Ingredients
        void addIngredients(IngredientList add);

         * Add Instructions
        void addInstructions(InstructionList add);

         * Retrieve the title
        std::string getTitle();

         * Change the title
        void setTitle(std::string title);

Practice the code review process we followed for the previous Cookbook class.

What observations can we make?

Corrected Recipe