What is A Module?

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Overview

Both procedural and object-oriented code is split into multiple files.

Keep in mind that module refers to an organizational unit within a codebase. Any time that word module is used during this lecture… it refers to the unit of code, not a course module.

2 Wait… I Already Know About __import__ and __from__

We have already used statements such as…

import sys


from __future__ import annotations

to make packages and modules available within a .py file (Python source code file). We have even imported code from our own modules. However, we never formalized definitions for module and package nor have we discussed best practices.

3 Let Us Look at Examples!

Before we discuss Python best practices and conventions… let us revisit C++, Java, or both C++ and Java. The point of this review is not to learn about C++ and Java codebases, but to revisit something familiar.

Focus on the subsection that corresponds to the language with which you are most familiar.

The examples fot this lecture are based on Tic-Tac-Toe:

Your focus should be on formalizing a point of reference. You do not need to set up (or be able to set up) a C++ or Java codebase from scratch.

If you are truly curious… the upcoming directory listings were produced with the Linux tree command.

3.1 C++ Codebase

C++ codebases are still the Wild West. The “standard” really depends on…

For this example we will go with the throw everything in a src or source directory with a makefile approach that is common in most 100-level, 200-level, and 300-level C/C++ programming courses.

Example 1: C++ Codebase
├── source
│   ├── Board.cpp
│   ├── Board.h
│   ├── bodgeUnitTest.h
│   ├── Game.cpp
│   ├── Game.h
│   ├── makefile
│   ├── Player.cpp
│   ├── Player.h
│   ├── playTicTacToe.cpp
│   ├── Strategy.cpp
│   ├── Strategy.h
│   ├── TestBoard.cpp
│   ├── TestPlayer.cpp
│   ├── utilities.cpp
│   └── utilities.h
└── uml
    ├── tic-tac-toe.puml
    └── tic-tac-toe.svg

The makefile contains the commands required to

  1. compile each .cpp file into .o file

  2. link the .o files into the final program (executable)

  3. clean the workspace (i.e., delete the executable and .o files).

In a C++ codebase that includes classes… each class will be split between a

The uml directory contains UML Class diagrams. A UML Class diagram shows the connections (associations) between classes. This is not a standard directory. The .puml file is markup that PlantUML turns into an svg image.

└── uml
    ├── tic-tac-toe.puml
    └── tic-tac-toe.svg
Example 2: PlantUML Markup
skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
hide empty members

class Board {
	+get3Cells(int cell1Id, int cell2Id, int cell3Id) : CellTriple
	+getCell(int id) : CellValue
	+isFull() : bool
	-theBoard : std::array<CellValue, 9>
	+CellTriple : using
	+display(std::ostream& outs) : void
	+setCell(int id, CellValue newValue) : void

class Game {
	+Game(Player& p1, Player& p2)
	-board : Board
	+getBoard() : Board&
	+getLoser() : Player&
	+getPlayer1() : Player&
	+getPlayer2() : Player&
	+getWinner() : Player&
	-player1 : Player&
	-player2 : Player&
	-winner : Player*
	-ref : Referee
	+endedWithStalemate() : bool
	+endedWithWin() : bool
	+isNotOver() : bool
	+isOver() : bool
	+playRound() : bool
	-roundTurn(Player& player) : bool
	-numMovesMade : int

class Game::Referee {
	+Referee(const Board& b)
	-allThreeMatch(const Board::CellTriple& triple) : bool
	+selectedCellIsEmpty(int move) : bool
	-boardRef : const Board&
	-checkForDiagonalWin() : int
	-checkForHorizontalWin() : int
	-checkForVerticalWin() : int
	+checkForWin() : int
	-playerNumFromSymbol(char sym) : int

class Player {
	+Player(std::string n)
	+isComputer() : bool
	+{static} isGeneric(const Player& possibleCylon) : bool
	+isHuman() : bool
	+getSymbol() : char
	-symbol : char
	+nextMove() : int
	+{static} referenceCylon : const Player
	-{static} PROMPT_MSG : std::string
	+getName() : std::string
	-name : std::string
	+setName(std::string n) : void
	+setSymbol(char newSymbol) : void


Example 3: PlantUML Class Diagram

Example UML Class Diagram

3.2 Java Codebase

Java projects tend to follow the Android project conventions. These projects tend to use Gradle or Maven.

A full discussion of Gradle and Maven will be left for a software engineering course, e.g., CS 350. However, if you are truly curious… feel free to take a look at my CS 350 Introduction to Gradle lectures.

Example 4: Java Codebase
├── build.gradle
├── config
│   └── checkstyle
│       └── checkstyle.xml
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
│       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│       └── gradle-wrapper.properties
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
└── src
    ├── main
    │   └── java
    │       └── edu
    │           └── odu
    │               └── cs
    │                   └── cs330
    │                       └── examples
    │                           ├── Board.java
    │                           ├── Game.java
    │                           ├── KeyboardStrategy.java
    │                           ├── package-info.java
    │                           ├── Player.java
    │                           ├── PlayTicTacToe.java
    │                           ├── Referee.java
    │                           └── Strategy.java
    └── test
        └── java
            └── edu
                └── odu
                    └── cs
                        └── cs330
                            └── examples
                                ├── TestBoard.java
                                ├── TestGame.java
                                ├── TestPlayer.java
                                └── TestReferee.java

3.2.1 Top Level Directories & Files

Let us focus on just the top level.

Example 5: Java Directory Structure - Top Level
├── build.gradle
├── config
├── gradle
├── gradle.properties
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
└── src

Let us examine each item, one at a time.

3.2.2 The src Directory

Eclipse, by default, places test classes and main classes in the same directory.

Example 6: Gradle src Directory
└── src
    ├── main
    │   └── java
    │       └── edu
    │           └── odu
    │               └── cs
    │                   └── cs330
    │                       └── examples
    │                           ├── Board.java
    │                           ├── Game.java
    │                           ├── KeyboardStrategy.java
    │                           ├── package-info.java
    │                           ├── Player.java
    │                           ├── PlayTicTacToe.java
    │                           ├── Referee.java
    │                           └── Strategy.java
    └── test
        └── java
            └── edu
                └── odu
                    └── cs
                        └── cs330
                            └── examples
                                ├── TestBoard.java
                                ├── TestGame.java
                                ├── TestPlayer.java
                                └── TestReferee.java

Take note of how the standard Java package directory structure exists for both the test code and main code.

You probably noticed a java subdirectory for both main and test:

└── src
    ├── main
    │   └── java
    └── test
        └── java

While most of our work will be with Java code, Gradle supports composite projects (i.e., projects that use generated code or multiple languages) and non-code resource files.

4 Python Codebase

If you have no already done so… open a copy of Module-09/Example-3-Python.

A Python codebase is more organized than a C++ codebase and less over-divided than a Java codebase.

Example 7: Python Codebase
├── examples
│   ├── board.py
│   ├── game.py
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── player.py
│   ├── referee.py
│   └── strategy.py
├── play_tictactoe.py
├── tests
    ├── examples
    │   ├── test_board.py
    │   ├── test_game.py
    │   ├── test_player.py
    │   └── test_referee.py
    └── __init__.py

Note that setup.py and the distutils module were officially deprecated with the Python 3.12 release. The focus of this lecture is on general project structure. Topics such as

are outside the scope of this discussion. Let us start with the top-level directories and files.

Example 8: Python Codebase - Top Level
├── examples
├── play_tictactoe.py
├── tests

You will notice three items:

4.1 Definitions

I imagine that you are saying to yourself something along the lines of…

Are module and package the same thing? What are they, exactly?

A couple definitions are definitely in order.

4.2 Back to Structure

You probably noticed that the tests directory contains an examples subdirectory.

Test Code

├── tests
    ├── examples
    │   ├── test_board.py
    │   ├── test_game.py
    │   ├── test_player.py
    │   └── test_referee.py
    └── __init__.py

Production Code

├── examples
│   ├── board.py
│   ├── game.py
│   ├── player.py
│   ├── referee.py
│   ├── strategy.py
│   └── __init__.py

Did you notice the close-to-one-to-one mapping? Each module usually has its own test suite (unit or integration). System tests are not included in this codebase.

The __init__.py in test directories and package directories can be used for import tricks. However, the ones codebase are empty files..