Multi-Threading Case Study: Spreadsheet

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Jun 29, 2015

1 Review: Evaluating Cells

1.1 evaluationRequired

How does the spreadsheet know what cells to re-evaluate after one or more changes have been made?

It keeps a queue of cells requiring (re)-evaluation.
public class SpreadSheet
    private CellName theLowerRightCorner;
    private Sequence evaluationRequired;
    private Hashtable cells;
    private int evaluationCounter;

    static private final int EvaluationLimit = 100000;
    // Max number of of cell evaluations that can be undertaken as a result
    // of a change to any one cell. (Used to break off evaluation when

For example, this is the code that manages the “formula” text entry box where new expressions can be typed for insertion into a cell

public class MainWindow extends java.awt.Frame {
    formula = new Formula();
    formula.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
          if (!ssview.getSelectingRectangleMode()) {
            CellName cn = ssview.getSelectedCells().upperLeftCorner();
            Cell c = sheet.getCell(cn);
            if (!formula.getText().equals("")) {
              Expression expr = Expression.get(formula.getText());
              if (expr != null) {
                c.putFormula(expr);  ➀
              else {
            statusLine.setText("Syntax error in formula");
            else {
            sheet.evaluateAll();   ➁

1.2 How Do Cells Get into the Queue?

The spreadsheet provides functions for indicating that a Cell needs to be re-evaluated:

public class SpreadSheet

    // Cells use the following two functions to inform 
    // the spreadsheet of changes in their status

    void cellRequiresEvaluation (Cell c)
        if (c.getValueIsCurrent())
                c.putValueIsCurrent (false);
                evaluationRequired.addToBack (c);

    void cellHasNewFormula (Cell c)
        evaluationCounter = 0;

The various actions that change a cell must then call those functions. For example, a little earlier we saw that when a new expression is entered through a GUI, the cell’s putFormula function is called:
class Cell extends Observable implements Observer
  public void putFormula(Expression e)
    if (theFormula != null)
      Sequence oldReferences = theFormula.collectReferences();
      for (SearchEnumeration p = oldReferences.front();
           p.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        CellName cn = (CellName)p.nextElement();
        Cell c = theSheet.getCell(cn);
        c.deleteObserver (this);

    theFormula = e;
    if (e != null) 
        Sequence newReferences = e.collectReferences();
        for (SearchEnumeration p = newReferences.front();
             p.hasMoreElements(); ) {
          CellName cn = (CellName)p.nextElement();
          Cell c = theSheet.getCell(cn);
          c.addObserver (this);
    theSheet.cellHasNewFormula (this);  ➀

1.3 How Do Indirectly Affected Cells Get into the Queue?

Now, that’s all fine for cells that we have changed directly, but we know that if one cell is changed, it may affect others that depend upon it. For example, if we enter a new formula into cell B2 and cell C3 contains the expression a1+b2, then cell C3 may eventually have to be re-evaluated as well. And them, if there are any cells that mention C3 in their formulas, those cells will need be re-evaluated, and so on.

This propagation of changes is managed via a pattern we have discussed earlier, the observer-observable pattern.

  public Value evaluateFormula()
    Value newValue = (theFormula == null)
      ? new StringValue()
	: theFormula.evaluate(theSheet);

    if (theValue == null || !newValue.equals(theValue)) {
      theValue = newValue;
    return theValue;

  public void update (Observable changedCell, Object ignore)
    theSheet.cellRequiresEvaluation (this);

Any cell so notified simply tells the spreadsheet ot add it to the queue.

2 Use-Case: cell updates

Assume a spreadsheet already contains the following:

The cursor is on cell b2, and we enter 2*a1 in the formula box and hit enter.

2.1 Putting 2*a1 in b2


2.2 Recomputing Cell Values


3 Circular Dependencies

Try This: Here is the compiled version of the spreadsheet that we have been discussing.

Run it and do the following:

3.1 Poor Response

The program gets caught in a loop for a noticeable time.

3.2 Possible Fixes

In the final formula entry above we created a circular dependency in which cell C3 depended (indirectly) on the value of cell A1 but A1 depended on the value of cell C3. This created an infinite loop as each cell kept notifying the other changes, causing the other to request re-evaluation.

One way to avoid this would be to check for circular dependencies before entering a new formula. An algorithm for doing this is called topological sorting and you might learn it in our data structures course.

One problem with this approach is that it sometimes disallows operations that would have been OK. In particular, copy and pasting of large regions of the spreadsheet could cause temporary circular dependencies. Many spreadsheets will break off the paste operation in the middle upon detecting this, even if the circularity would have been resolved once the entire region had finished pasting. operation was carried out.

So we’ll look at another possibility, making the cell evaluation and GUI event handling separate threads.

4 Multi-Threaded Design
class SpreadSheet

    class Evaluator extends Thread
        public Evaluator() {}

        public void run() {
            while (true) {

    public SpreadSheet()
        theLowerRightCorner = new CellName("z", 26);
        evaluationCounter = 0;
        evaluationRequired = new Sequence();
        cells = new Hashtable();
        evaluator = new Evaluator();

partialEvaluate takes one cell off the front of the queue and re-evaluates it.

4.1 Identifying Shared Resources

Consider the evaluationRequired queue.

That’s an obvious shared resource. We’ve already seen how queues can be corrupted by simultaneous updates, so we will want to protect that.

Let’s also think about the cell formulas.

Again, that looks like a shared rewource that need protecting.

Finally, let’s think about the cell values.

This might be a problem as well. It’s not a simultaneous update, because the GUI only looks at these values, but we could wind up displaying garbage temporarily.

4.1.1 Synchronization Reqts

It appears, then, that we need

4.2 Checking for Liveness Problems

If we go with that level of synchronization, however, we may encounter liveness problems:

5 When in Doubt, Simplify

We resolve these problems by making life simpler.
class Cell extends Observable implements Observer
  public void putFormula(Expression e)
    if (theFormula != null)
      Sequence oldReferences = theFormula.collectReferences();
      for (SearchEnumeration p = oldReferences.front();
           p.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        CellName cn = (CellName)p.nextElement();
        Cell c = theSheet.getCell(cn);
        c.deleteObserver (this);

    theFormula = e;
    if (e != null) 
        Sequence newReferences = e.collectReferences();
        for (SearchEnumeration p = newReferences.front();
             p.hasMoreElements(); ) {
          CellName cn = (CellName)p.nextElement();
          Cell c = theSheet.getCell(cn);
          c.addObserver (this);
    theSheet.cellHasNewFormula (this);  ➀

we do
class Cell extends Observable implements Observer
  public void putFormula(Expression e)
    if (theFormula != null)
      Sequence oldReferences = theFormula.collectReferences();
      for (SearchEnumeration p = oldReferences.front();
	   p.hasMoreElements(); ) {
	CellName cn = (CellName)p.nextElement();
	theSheet.deleteCellObserver (cn,this);

    theFormula = e;
    if (e != null) 
	Sequence newReferences = e.collectReferences();
	for (SearchEnumeration p = newReferences.front();
	     p.hasMoreElements(); ) {
	  CellName cn = (CellName)p.nextElement();
	  theSheet.addCellObserver(cn, this);
    theSheet.cellHasNewFormula (this);

5.1 Hiding the Cells

In essence, we can hide the cells so that they cannot be accessed in an unsynchronized fashion by requiring all access to cells to be managed via the spreadsheet.
    // Remove c from the observer list of the cell at position cname
    public synchronized void deleteCellObserver (CellName cname, Observer c)
        Cell observer = getCell(cname);

    // Add c as an observer of the cell at position cname
    public synchronized void addCellObserver (CellName cname, Observer c)
        Cell observer = getCell(cname);

    // Get the formula associated with the cell at position cname
    public synchronized Expression getFormula(CellName cname) 
        return getCell(cname).getFormula();

    // Put a formula into the cell at position cname
    // Re-evaluate all cells in the spreadsheet
    public int evaluateAll()
        return 1;

    // Evaluate one or more cells in the spreadsheet
    synchronized void partialEvaluate()
        if (moreToEvaluate()) {
            Cell c = (Cell)evaluationRequired.front().at();
            c.putValueIsCurrent (true);
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}

    // Return true if at least one cell is believed to require evaluation
    public boolean moreToEvaluate()
        return (evaluationRequired.size() > 0
                && evaluationCounter < EvaluationLimit);

5.2 Again, a Circle

Here is the threaded version of the spreadsheet. Try running it with the same sequence of insertions that caused the earlier version to lock up.

5.3 All Locked Up and Nowhere To Go

What happens to the Evaluator thread if no cells need to be evaluated?

We don’t want to waste CPU cycles on a busy loop.

5.3.1 wait()

The Java wait() function (from class Object)
    // Re-evaluate all cells in the spreadsheet
    public int evaluateAll()
        return 1;

    // Evaluate one or more cells in the spreadsheet
    synchronized void partialEvaluate()
        if (moreToEvaluate()) {
            Cell c = (Cell)evaluationRequired.front().at();
            c.putValueIsCurrent (true);
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}

    // Return true if at least one cell is believed to require evaluation
    public boolean moreToEvaluate()
        return (evaluationRequired.size() > 0
                && evaluationCounter < EvaluationLimit);

5.3.2 notifyAll()

The notifyAll() function

    // Cells use the following two functions to inform 
    // the spreadsheet of changes in their status

    synchronized void cellRequiresEvaluation (Cell c)
        if (c.getValueIsCurrent())
                c.putValueIsCurrent (false);
                evaluationRequired.addToBack (c);

    void cellHasNewFormula (Cell c)
        evaluationCounter = 0;