Getting Started with Vim

Thomas J Kennedy


Over the past few years… I have switched to using Vim as my editor… for everything. This includes writing code/markup in:

1 My Configuration

To Be Written (TBW)

2 Copying My Configuration

I have set up a public copy of my Vim configuration on the CS Linux Servers. To obtain a copy:

  1. Log into or This can be accomplished with Putty, or with the ssh command in a proper (i.e., full) terminal.

  2. Once connected make sure you are in your home directory. Run cd without any arguments. Then run pwd. You should see /home/your_cs_username.

  3. Run cp -r /home/tkennedy/Public/{.vimrc,.vim} .

  4. Type vim. You should see something similar to Vim Refernce Screenshot

  5. To exit, press the escape key, enter :qa, and press the enter key.