Language Specific Class Checklists

Thomas Kennedy


We will start by revisiting the C++ class checklist, mapping its parts into Java and Python 3.

1 Language Specific Class Checklists

Every semester I draw a table on the whiteboard. I last drew this table on 16 October 2018, and discussed the C++ class checklist and how each item compares to Java and Python 3.

It was obvious that the potato used to take the photo was not properly calibrated. Consider the following table…

C++ Java Python 3
Default Constructor Default Constructor __init__
Copy Constructor Clone and/or Copy Constructor __deepcopy__
finalize (deprecated/discouraged) __del__
Assignment Operator (=)
Accessors (Getters) Accessors (Getters) Accessors (consider @property)
Mutators (Setters) Mutators (Setters) Setter (consider @attribute.setter)
Logical Equivalence Operator (==) equals __eq__
Less-Than / Comes-Before Operator (<) hashCode __hash__
Stream Insertion Operator (<<) toString __str__
begin() and end() iterator __iter__

You should recall from your previous coursework that not all accessors are getters and not all mutators are setters. The accessor and mutator rows deal with getters and setters, respectively.

Let us expand the table to include one more language… Rust.

C++ Java Python 3 Rust
Default Constructor Default Constructor __init__ new() or Default trait
Copy Constructor Clone and/or Copy Constructor __deepcopy__ Clone trait
finalize (deprecated/discouraged) __del__ Drop trait
Assignment Operator (=)
Accessors (Getters) Accessors (Getters) Accessors (@property) Accessors (Getters)
Mutators (Setters) Mutators (Setters) Setter (@attribute.setter) Mutators (setters)
Logical Equivalence Operator (==) equals __eq__ std::cmp::PartialEq trait
Less-Than / Comes-Before Operator (<) hashCode __hash__ std::cmp::PartialOrd trait
Stream Insertion Operator (<<) toString __str__ std::fmt::Display trait
__repr__ std::fmt::Debug trait
begin() and end() iterator __iter__ iter() and iter_mut()

We are not going to look in Java or Python in detail… Yet!