Code Documentation & Comments

Thomas J Kennedy


This document is a work in progress. Expect updates over the next few weeks.

Most of your code in CS 150 and CS 250 probably had quite a few comments. Inline comments are not the focus of this discussion. The focus of this discussion is documentation of classes, functions, and methods.

1 A Few Starting Examples

Throughout my

In future course you will be required to document your code (especially CS 350, Introduction to Software Engineering).

Let us take a look at a few examples from my CS 330 and CS 417 notes.

1.1 C++

Doxygen can be used for C++. Consider the following Doxygen Example:

Example 1: C++ Doxygen Documentation
 * Retrieve the value stored in three selected Cells
 * @param cell1Id numeric id representing the 1st desired cell
 * @param cell2Id numeric id representing the 2nd desired cell
 * @param cell3Id numeric id representing the 3rd desired cell
 * @return value stored in the Cell
 * @pre (cell1Id > 0 && cell1Id < 10) &&
 *      (cell2Id > 0 && cell2Id < 10) &&
 *      (cell3Id > 0 && cell3Id < 10)
CellTriple get3Cells(int cell1Id, int cell2Id, int cell3Id) const;

1.2 Java

Javadoc can be used for Java. Consider the following Javadoc Example:

Example 2: Javadoc Documentation
 * Multi-thread Coin Flip.
 * @param numTrials # flips to simulate
 * @param numThreads number of threads to use
 * @return Completed FlipTasks
 * @throws InterruptedException if a thread is stopped prematurely
public static FlipTask[] multiThread(long numTrials, int numThreads)
    throws InterruptedException

1.3 Python

Pydoc or Sphinx can be used for Python. Consider the following Pydoc Example:

Example 3: Python 3 Pydoc Documentation
def parse_raw_temps(original_temps: TextIO,
                    step_size: int=30, units: bool=True) -> Iterator[Tuple[float, List[float]] ]:
    Take an input file and time-step size and parse all core temps.

    :param original_temps: an input file
    :param step_size:      time-step in seconds
    :param units: True if the input file includes units and False if the file
                  includes only raw readings (no units)

    :yields: A tuple containing the next time step and a List containing _n_
             core temps as floating point values (where _n_ is the number of
             CPU cores)

I prefer the Sphinx/Google style for Python.

Example 4: Python 3 Sphinx/Google Style Documentation
def parse_raw_temps(original_temps: TextIO,
                    step_size: int=30, units: bool=True) -> Iterator[Tuple[float, List[float]] ]:
    Take an input file and time-step size and parse all core temps.

        original_temps: an input file
        step_size: time-step in seconds
        units: True if the input file includes units and False if the file
            includes only raw readings (no units)

        A tuple containing the next time step and a List containing _n_
        core temps as floating point values (where _n_ is the number of
        CPU cores)

1.4 Rust

Example 5: Rust Documentation
/// Take a room and change the flooring
/// # Arguments
///   * `original` - House to change
/// # Returns
/// House with the updated flooring
fn upgrade_flooring(original: &House) -> House {

Rust and Python have similar documentation styles (give or take some markdown formatting). Since we only cover small snippets of Rust in this course, we will forgo a complete Rustdoc discussion.

2 Writing Good Documentation

All code should be properly and fully documented using a language appropriate comment style. All functions (including parameters and return types) must be documented.

2.1 Auditing the C++ Cookbook

Let us revisit the example Cookbook class.


The second constructor looks incomplete.

         * Create a Cookbook that can contain at most _r_
         * recipes.
        Cookbook(int r);

Notice the int r? It is not documented. What does r represent? Let us start by adding @param r to the documentation

         * Create a Cookbook that can contain at most _r_
         * recipes.
         * @param r max number of recipes that can be stored.
        Cookbook(int r);

That is a little more clear. The description should probably be cleaned up a little.

         * Create a Cookbook with a set recipe limit.
         * @param r max number of recipes that can be stored.
        Cookbook(int r);

What did we do?

  1. We documented the input into the constructor (i.e., the parameter r) with an @param tag.
  2. We revised the description for brevity and clarity.

Any time a function has a parameter it should be documented. Should, not must. There are a few exceptions.

2.2 Documentation for a New Function

Suppose we have just finished writing a quick program to simulate a trick coin (i.e., a coin where heads and tails are not equally probable).

bool one_flip(double p);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Seed the random number generator with the current time

    const int num_flips = 8;

    for (int i = 0; i < num_flips; i++) {
        if (one_flip(0.7)) {
            cout << "Heads" << "\n";
        else {
            cout << "Tails" << "\n";

    return 0;

The one_flip function needs a description.

 * Simulate a single coin flip.

What does p represent? Does it represent the probability of heads or tails?

 * Simulate a single coin flip.
 * @param p probability of heads

Now what about the return? We know that bool means a true or false. Which one do I get for heads? Let us add an @return.

 * Simulate a single coin flip.
 * @param p probability of heads
 * @return true if the result is heads and false if the result is tails
bool one_flip(double p);

There is no more ambiguity or guesswork. Both p and the possible return values are documented.

2.2.1 What about Java?

Java and C++ are similar. If we change bool to boolean, and rename one_flip to oneFlip… we have a Java function.

     * Simulate a single coin flip.
     * @param p probability of heads
     * @return true if the result is heads and false if the result is tails
    boolean oneFlip(double p)

Notice how the documentation is identical? The basic Javadoc comment syntax overlaps Doxygen comment syntax.