Where Are We Now? - Quarter Semester

Thomas J Kennedy


1 S.O.L.I.D

During the first week of class under The Beginning in the orientation module we briefly discussed S.O.L.I.D.

My colleagues and I disagree on when this should be introduced. I believe S.O.L.I.D should be discussed now… at the very beginning of the semester. To do so, we will have to split the word:

S.O.L.I.D = (S.O.) + (L.I.D.)

I will forgo my hilarious wordplay.. this time.

Example 1: The Beginning... S.O.

Why are we starting with S.O.? First… we have all the tools we need to understand it:

Second… these emerge naturally out of how we write code. We want to write reusable functions and classes. We want to be able to extend those classes without modifying the underlying code. Think about:

That leaves three (3) letters for us to discuss:

Combining everything, we are left with


Think back to Review 03 Example 9…

2 Tools of the Trade

At the start of the semester… I introduced the names of various tools. In my examples (Reviews 01 to 03) I demonstrated a few of these tools. You were required (and in some cases all-but-required) to use a few of these tools on your own.

Let us take stock of our discussions and exercises thus far.

Category Tool Assignments Lecture / Recordings
General Linux
General SSH
Build System Makefiles
Compilation g++
Methodology Unit Testing / TDD
Editor Vim Hopefully
Version Control Git Hopefully
Documentation Doxygen Read Only
Documentation Rustdoc Not Yet ✔ (Review 03)
Documentation Pydoc Not Yet Not Yet
Configuration & Testing Tox Not Yet ✔ (Review 03)
Build & Configuration Gradle Not Yet Not Yet
Code Style Analysis CPPLint Not Yet
Code Style Analysis Checkstyle Not Yet Not Yet
Code Style Analysis Pycodestyle / Pylint Not Yet Not Yet
Design (UML Class Diagrams) PlantUML Maybe
Design (UML Sequence Diagrams) SDEdit Not Yet Not Yet