Iterators - The Journey So Far

Thomas J Kennedy


1 Beginning the Journey

We started the semester with a review of the basics from CS 150 and CS 250 (i.e., everything up to Linked Lists). Review 01 started with:

The next two examples brought in a few best practices (i.e., the Big-3 and the Copy-and-Swap Idiom):

The last two examples (i.e., Example 5 and Example 6) were the jump-ahead-a-few-weeks examples (i.e., they were a preview of where we would be at the end of Review 3 and Assignment 2).

2 Iterators in the Wild

Review 02 & Module 3 (working with Iterators) were the beginning of the CS 330 level material (i.e., the first round of entirely new material). Review 02 focused on iterators.

In CS 150 and CS 250 when we needed to iterate over a collection of data, we needed to write data structure specific code. We want to be able to write generic loops (i.e., loops that can be written once, with the details wrapped up in a convenient package). Iterators provide this package.

2.1 Borrowing Existing Iterators

Review 02 started with the basics of Iterators:

Examples 4 and 5 cleaned up a few things. This was mainly to play with range based for loops.

2.2 Faking Iterators.. With Pointers

Example 6 is where we had to start providing our own iterators.

At the end of the day pointers and iterators are essentially the same interface, conceptually.

Iterators can be compared to one another (e.g., using ==). Pointers can be compared to one another. Iterators can incremented (e.g., it++). Pointers can be incremented (e.g., p++). Iterators can be de referenced (e.g., *it). Pointers can be de referenced (e.g., *p).

Iterators and pointers have near-identical syntax. The difference is the type of memory:

2.3 Running Out of Luck

Example 8 is where our luck ran out. Linked Lists required us to implement iterators from the ground up (i.e., write wrappers around the Linked List operations used in Review 01 and Assignment 1).

Every time we work with a data structure we end up with a combination of four operations:

Interface Initialization End Of Collection Check Dereference Increment
Array int i = 0 i < size someArray[i] i++
Linked List Node* it = head it != nullptr it->data it = it->next
Iterator Iterator it = something.begin() it != something.end() *it it++

Iterators allow us to define a common interface and hide away the details.

3 Iterators AND The Big-3

Review 03 combined Review 01 (Big-3) and Review 02 (Iterators).

4 Moving from Assignment 1 to Assignment 2

If you understand the mechanics from Review 02 (i.e., how to use iterators), you have everything you need to complete Assignment 2.

The key difference between Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 is level of abstraction. In Assignment 1 you implemented the Linked List logic as part of the assignment. All other functions worked directly with the Linked List.

In Assignment 2, you need to rewrite those Linked List specific loops. Instead of working Node pointers (i.e., Node*), you are now working with Iterators (i.e., one level of abstraction above Assignment 1).

4.1 Cool Iterator Tricks

Review 03 Examples 4 through 6 covered a few fun mechanics we will use discuss again later. However, you are not required to use the fancy std functions (e.g., std::transform) to complete Assignment 2.


TL;DR - Iterators are our current Abstraction case study. They are new. This is the first time you are working with them.